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Nicknamed "Carrier Style", navigational signals on China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, have never been cooler.

It features one knee against the ground, one leg stretching out, and right hand pointing to the upper right, posing "ready to go".

The televised launch of China's first home-developed J-15 fighter on the Liaoning has been inadvertently sparking the latest dance craze.

Since then, people of all ages and walks of life have mimicked the unique navigational direction gestures used by launch assistants aboard the Liaoning.

Chen Xiaoyong is one of the launch assistants working on the carrier.

"I did not expect that it could be so popular. I feel people are all imitating it. They feel that the gesture is an auspicious hand signal, showing that all the Chinese people are looking forward to the future and the country is going toward national rejuvenation."

The launch required the aircraft to land within a very limited space.

With launch assistants having to stand only one meter away from the wings at designated landing space, precision is crucial.

Launch assistant Chen Xiaoyong says that in their line of work, their lives are often placed on the line.

"The wind is really heavy. You have to bend over after the aircrafts pass by. Otherwise, you will be blown upside down or even be blown into the sea. You can not stand up. If you do, you will be blown away. "

"Carrier Style" required painstaking modifications and perfecting to ensure the safety of the launch assistants.

The "Carrier Style", though having drawn lots of attention nationwide, is only one step of the whole process of more than 60 movements.

All these procedures require special devices, gestures and outfits.

Dozens of hand signals need to be sent out during as many seconds to aid communication between pilots, flight directors, technicians and the control tower.

Captain of the Liaoning Zhang Zheng says the carrier-capable jets need to be tested under different weathers until they are fully formed with combat ability.

For CRI, I am Zhang Shuangfeng.