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Thailand's anti-corruption commission has summoned Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to hear charges of negligence for allegedly mishandling a government rice subsidy program.

However, her supporters blocked access to one of the gates to the agency's headquarters.

Yingluck's legal representatives met commission members elsewhere to take care of the formalities.

The prime minister did not attend in person.

Yingluck's lawyer Norrawit Larlaeng.

"Prime Minister is willing to give cooperation to the National Anti-Corruption Commission. She is willing to give information and evidence to the NACC because the PM is confident in her honesty. The rice-pledging scheme benefits the farmers."

The rice subsidy program has been a flagship policy of Yingluck's administration.

However, it has accumulated losses of at least 4.4 billion US dollars and has been dogged by corruption allegations.

Payments to farmers have been delayed for months.

Yingluck could face impeachment by the Senate, or even criminal charges, if the Anti-Corruption Commission rules against her.

A final decision is expected in a few weeks.