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征战20年 科比谢幕一战


Speaking about how he'll feel during his last game, Kobe Bryant says he is happy with everything.

"Tough to say. We'll see Wednesday. So far I've been pretty cool about everything. I'm very thankful about everything and very happy about everything. It hasn't really hit me yet. We'll see if it does."

The 37-year-old has had a memorable NBA career spanning over two decades with the Lakers, notching up more than 1,500 appearances for the team.

Former NBA player Vladimir Radmanovic says Kobe's absence from the court will definitely be felt:

征战20年 科比谢幕一战

"It's a sad day for the game of basketball to have him leave, but we all knew it was going to happen at some point of his career. Tomorrow is a big day for the NBA - they have Kobe leaving and the Golden State Warriors fighting for the best (record) in the regular season. It's going to be a great day. With Kobe leaving there's going to be an empty spot for some new kid to fill those shoes - and try to create a new generation of players who are going to be superstars like Kobe."

During his career, Kobe won five NBA championships and was two-time MVP and three-time All-Stars MVP.

He averaged 16.9 points, 3.7 rebounds and 2.8 assists in 65 games for the Lakers this season.

Because of his remarkable achievements, Kobe is also well known in China.

Over the past decades, an increasing number of NBA players have visited China. But few received the same reception as Bryant, who is said to have the largest fan base in China, apart from former NBA player Yao Ming.

His retirement has been a surprise for his fans here in China.

"The only NBA player I remember is you. Strongly wish all the best for you in all the periods in your life."

"I got to know Kobe when I was in the middle school. Now I've entered a university. It's not a long time. But I'm still very thankful for you, Kobe."

Kobe has the NBA's best-selling jersey for four years in a row, from 2007 and 2010.

Last year, he was only behind Stephen Curry on the list.

Kobe came to China for the first time in 1998 for a training session in Beijing.

Since then, the NBA star has visited China nearly every year for promotional activities.

Kobe played two times in China during his NBA career.

In 2008, Kobe and American national men's basketball team visited China, competing in the Beijing Olympics and took gold after eight consecutive wins.

During the game against China, Kobe scored 13 points for the US, while Yao Ming led Team China also with 13 points.

Five years later, Kobe and the L.A. Lakers played against the Golden State Warriors in Shanghai during the NBA China tour.

Off court, he has also been active promoting charitable causes here.

In 2009, the Kobe Bryant China Fund was launched to raise money for education, sports and culture programs for Chinese and American children, and over 6 million US dollars was raised that year alone.

The first batch of its donations, worth five million yuan, or around 770-thousand in today's dollars, was to the children of the earthquake-hit Sichuan Province.

For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.