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Dr. Alan Schlechter, author of "U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (And Life)," is also the professor of the most popular elective class at New York University called "The Science of Happiness." He explains the things you should stop doing if you want to be happier. Following is a transcript of the video.

Alan Schlechter教授是《你要生存::如何在大学(和生活)中成功》一书的作者,也是纽约大学最受欢迎的选修课“幸福科学”的授课教授,他说明了一些事,如果你想更快乐,那么这些事你应当停止去做。以下是该视频的文字记录。

Dr. Alan Schlechter: The first one would definitely be the level of self-critical thought that people get caught up in. We have these things called thinking traps, and when we’re having a lot of native emotions we tend to catastrophize. We get lost in these thinking traps of beating ourselves up and we begin to have this mental filter where we only see the negative things and ignore the positives. We forget about gratitude.

Dr. Alan Schlechter:第一件事绝对是自我批判这种想法的程度,人们往往会陷入其中。我们把这些东西叫做思维陷阱,当我们有大量的原始情绪时,我们倾向于将其灾难化。我们在这些思维陷阱中迷失了自我。我们开始有一种心理过滤器——只能看到消极的东西,而忽略了积极的东西。我们忘记了感恩。

And that kind of leads to the next thing that I think people ignore a lot which is m any people have heard of the fight-or-flight response. There’s a cousin to the fight-or-flight response. It’s called the tend-and-befriend response, and that is an innate quality of us to reach out to someone for help. We have a hormone even built into us called oxytocin that is expressed, and it’s telling us "reach out for help, call a friend, tell someone what’s going on." And when we do that, our cortisol levels goes down. We feel better.


The third thing that contributes to unhappiness that I see is the way we ignore our body. The way we grow our brain cells, the way we tell our brain to grow is we have to move. We are meant to move, and the second we sit down for more than 20 minutes our body begins to shut down. We are not meant to be still.
