栏目广告位一 |
Blizzard conditions have descended upon a wide section of Europe. While snow has brought smiles to the faces of children who have dusted off their sleds for the new season, for others, this cold snap
英语听力材料2009-12-21 -
The internet is often described as the World Wide Web but how truly global is it when millions of users have no choice but to use a Latin-based alphabet to name websites and email addresses? All of th
英语听力材料2009-12-21 -
GUY RAZ, host:Now, members of Congress looking to cut health care costs ought to listen to this next story, because if they're really looking to save money, a lot of money, they might want to start b
英语听力材料2009-12-21 -
MELISSA BLOCK, host: More than 1,100 Saab dealers worldwide got bad news today. General Motors is no longer trying to sell the company, instead GM will close Saab. Michigan Radio's Rina Miller report
英语听力材料2009-12-20 -
Lawmakers in the lower house of Afghan parliament have begun debating President Karzai's nominees and they must endorse them before the Cabinet becomes official. The Afghan president has been under i
英语听力材料2009-12-20 -
Years of warfare have wrecked Afghanistan's health care system. The country's health infrastructure was completely destroyed by the time the U.S. invasion began at the end of 2001.Since then, with
英语听力材料2009-12-19 -
Jake Sully is a wounded warrior: a U.S. Marine paralyzed from a battlefield injury. The chance to walk again is what initially draws him to a distant, dangerous moon.
"You are not in Kansas anymore -
Some of our early ancestors weren’t just scavenging fruit and nuts and hunting animals. That’s the conclusion of scientists who discovered evidence of the grain sorghum on hundred-thousand-year-old
英语听力材料2009-12-19 -
[Crowd Noise] That's the sound of climate change negotiations—and CO2 being released. All this talking is a seemingly significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and not just because negotiators
英语听力材料2009-12-19 -
美国市场上的80万支甲型H1N1流感疫苗12月15日被宣布召回,原因是其药效发生了弱化。 美国疾病控制与预防中心表示,那些疫苗是在11月份上市的,并且大都已经被接种,是法国赛诺菲巴斯德公司专门为半岁至3岁儿童研制并
英语听力材料2009-12-18 -
The Senate Banking Committee has voted to approve the nomination of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for a second term as head of the U.S. central bank. The move paves the way for a vote by the
英语听力材料2009-12-18 -
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States is prepared to work with other countries to fund $100 billion a year by 2020 to address climate change needs of developing countries.
英语听力材料2009-12-18 -
对美国农村成人而言 医保只是一厢情愿的想法
STEVE INSKEEP, host:Commentator Brittany Hunsaker of Youth Radio has not started her career yet, but she's already worried about health insurance. She grew up in Whitesburg, Kentucky, and is helping
英语听力材料2009-12-18 -
手指越小 触觉越敏感
Smaller can sometimes be better, at least when it comes to fingers. It turns out that people with smaller fingers have more sensitive fingertips, according to a study in the Journal of Neuroscience.
英语听力材料2009-12-18 -
重量级人物陆续抵达哥本哈根 会议进入高潮
随着中国总理温家宝、美国总统奥巴马的陆续到来,气候变化大会16日正式进入高级别会谈阶段。如此重大的会议当然是丹麦首相拉斯穆森当主席比较合适。他将致力于平衡发达国家与发展中国家在气候问题上的分歧。Danish P
英语听力材料2009-12-17 -
圣诞节将至 送朋友什么礼物?
圣诞节转眼将至,在开心的同时是不是夹杂着那么一点点烦心?不知道送什么礼物给朋友吧?如果你朋友是美食实践家的话,或许Dorie Greenspan 可以为你指点迷津。This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Ro
英语听力材料2009-12-17 -
Mobile phones have revolutionized communications in many countries making it possible for people in distant and rural places to connect. Now high-tech smart mobile phones may be on the verge of revol
英语听力材料2009-12-17 -
The Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act has enjoyed overwhelming bipartisan support. This has intensified as the Obama administration's outreach to Iran has been rebuffed and Tehran has defied inte
英语听力材料2009-12-17 -
RENEE MONTAGNE, host:This is MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm Renee Montagne.ARI SHAPIRO, host:And I'm Ari Shapiro, sitting in for Steve Inskeep.The last year has been terrible for many American c
英语听力材料2009-12-17 -
Jon Foley: You sometimes encounter these cliffs where you push the system a little too far, and things would just tip over and fell. And so these boundaries were meant to be defining kinda where the e
英语听力材料2009-12-16 -
This is MORNING EDITION from NPR News. Sitting in for Steve Inskeep, I'm Ari Shapiro.RENEE MONTAGNE, host:And I'm Renee Montagne.CT scans are commonplace in American medicine. A new study says they
英语听力材料2009-12-16 -
我们的身体 我们的文化
That’s Beyonce singing her hit Irreplacable. And it goes with dance moves that involve—you guessed it—moving to the left. But what Beyonce, and many of us for that matter, might not realize is th
英语听力材料2009-12-16 -
As we all know, time flies when you’re having fun. But according to a study in the journal Psychological Science, the reverse is just as true: we enjoy ourselves more when we think time passes quickl
英语听力材料2009-12-16 -
Within the U.S. government, climate change is not just the concern of White House and environmental officials. The Pentagon will soon list global warming among the security threats facing the United S
英语听力材料2009-12-15 -
Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder due to a single genetic mutation. It remains in populations because the mutation has a flip side—it helps to protect against malaria. Now another mutation has
栏目广告位二 |