
初中英语牛津版九年级上9A 04

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网 TV programmes
[00:04.78]Eddie, shall we goshopping today?
[00:13.53]I'm far too busy togo shopping
[00:18.00]Busy? But you havenothing to do!
[00:23.04]No, you're wrong !From 9 to 12, I hareto watch TV.
[00:30.41]Then I'll have lunchand a little sleepbetween 2 and 7.
[00:36.65]After that, it's dinner time.A dog's work isnever done!
[00:43.39]   Reading
[00:46.32]A The TV programmeson Saturday
[00:54.96]Millie is reading aTV guide online.
[01:00.71]She is reading aboutsome of herclassmate's favoriteTV prongrammes.
[01:07.87]Here are the webpages Millie isreading.
[01:13.01]   Sports World   Sunshine TV
[01:21.37]  A weekly round-upwhat is happening insport,
[01:26.73]with lots ofup-to-dateinformation.
[01:31.17]The programme coversdifferent sports,such as basketball,
[01:37.02]swimming, badmintonand football.However, if you arenot a football fan,
[01:44.39]you might find thisweek's programme abit boring. It's allabout football.
[01:51.23]There are also anumber of interviewswith the famousfootball players.
[01:57.68]Beijing Music Awards  Sunshine TV
[02:03.53]  This year's BeijingMusic Awards will becovered live.
[02:12.57]The presentationwill be held inBeijing this comingSaturday.
[02:18.40]All the big popstars will attend.Before the awardsstart,
[02:24.64]we will interviewsove of the mostfamous stars.
[02:29.39]Two thousand fanshave voted onlinefor their favouritesongs,
[02:35.35]singers andmusic videos.
[02:39.69]The results will beannounced during theprogramme
[02:44.75]and the host willask questions.As youare watching theawards,
[02:50.89]write downyouranswers and sendtext messages
[02:56.35]to 1396. You couldwin two free concerttickets.
[03:03.69]    Murder in a   Country House     Golden TV
[03:13.04]  Murder in a CountryHouse is a horrorfilm directed byCindy Clark,
[03:20.67]a new director. Inthe film, a doctoris found dead in hishouse.
[03:28.14]Was he killed or didhe kill himself?
[03:33.47]You won't find outthe answer until theend of the film.
[03:38.80]The film isexcellent and isfull of horror andmysteries.
[03:45.04]If you enjoy solvingmysteries, you willlove this film.
[03:50.90]If you get scaredeasily, do not watchit !
[03:56.25]The actors are allnew, yet they alldid very well.
[04:02.89]    Tiger Watch      Golden TV
[04:10.96]  This one –hourdocumentary takes aclose look at theAsian tiger.
[04:17.07]After you watch thisprogramme,
[04:21.43]you will realize howmuch danger thesetigers face.
[04:26.68]They are actuallydisappearing quickerthan pandas.
[04:31.93]The documentaryexplains that thesetigers are beingkilled
[04:37.58]for their skin andbones.If you are ananimal lover,
[04:43.64]you might find thisprogramme a bitdisturbing
[04:48.78]while watching theprogramme.
[04:52.13]Tiger Watch wastaken in Indiabetween 2003and 2005.
[04:59.57]It shows the Asiantiger in its naturalhabitat.
[05:05.03]You can see scenesof India,
[05:08.56]one of the fewplaces on Earthwhere tigers stilllive.
[05:13.60]Tiger Watch won anaward for itsamazing photography.
[05:19.45]Integrated skillsA Television viewinghabis
[05:29.61]A2.Millie isinterviewing thestudents.
[05:36.56]Listen carefully andhelp her completethe notes below.
[07:12.61]Anita:Likes programmesabout:(1)______
[07:16.69]Philip:Dislikes programmesabout :(3)______
[07:20.76]Name of favouriteprogramme:(5)_______
[07:22.83]Time spent onwatching TV everyday :(6)_______
[07:24.87]Philip:Likes programmesabout :(7)________
[07:28.97]Dislikes programmesabout :(9)_______
[07:33.07]Name of favouriteprogramme :(11)______
[07:35.11]Time spent onwatchint TV day :(12)______
[07:37.17]Sam:Likes prgrammesabout :(13)______
[07:41.27]Dislikes programmesabout :(15)_______
[07:45.37]Name of favouriteprogramme:(17)_______
[07:47.41]Time spent onwatching TV everyday:(18)_______