
Go for it! 新目标英语九年级课文Unit13

Unit 13: Rainy days make me sad.

Section A 1b

Tina: I’m hungry, Amy.

Amy: So am I. Why don’t we get something to eat?

Tina: Yeah. Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant. I love their hamburgers.

Amy: Oh, Tina… I hate the Rockin’ Restaurant.

Tina: Why? The food is great, isn’t it?

Amy: The food’s fine. I just don’t like the atmosphere. Those awful pictures on the wall make me sad, and the loud music makes me tense.

Tina: OK. So where do you want to go, Amy?

Amy: Let’s go to the Blue Lagoon. The soft music makes me relaxed.

Tina: Not me. It makes me sleepy.

2a 2b

John: Did you and Amy have fun last night, Tina?

Tina: Well John…yes and no.

John: Was Amy late as usual?

Tina: Yes, she was. And waiting for her make me angry.

John: Where did you go?

Tina: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant, but Amy didn’t want to stay. She said that loud music made her tense.

John: That’s funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance.

Tina: Me too. So then we went to the Blue Lagoon. It was quiet and the food was great. We had a good time.

John: Then did you go to the concert at the high school?

Tina: No. We decided to go to the movies. We saw Remember Me Forever. It was a really good movie, but it was so sad that it made us cry.

John: Sad moves don’t make me cry. They just make me want to leave!

Tina: You sound just like my brother!


Restaurant science

Restaurant owners have to know how to make food. They also have to know how to make money. Here are some things they’ve learned from scientific studies. The color red makes people hungry. Rea also makes customers eat faster. Many fast food restaurants, therefore, have red furniture or walls. Soft colors like pink and light blue make people relaxed, so they spend more time eating their meals. Soft lighting makes people look good, but it makes food look bad. Loud music may be nice at first, but it soon makes people want to leave. Many restaurants, especially fast food restaurants use this knowledge to make customers don’t stay very long, small restaurants can serve many people every day.

Section B 2a 2b

Girl1: Wow! Look at this ad for Easy Care Shampoo, For the shiniest hair ever.

Boy: I can’t stand ads like that! They make me really mad.

Girl1: Why?

Boy: They make you think that you can like the person in the ad. But I bought that shampoo and it didn’t work.

Girl2: I agree. Look at this one. Lookout Sunglasses. For that mysterious look. I’ll bet they don’t even keep out the sun.

Boy: And what about this one! Beauty Cream the silky skin soap.

Girl2: Wait a minute! I tried Beauty Cream and it works really well. It makes your skin really soft. Have you ever tried Starshine Toothpaste?

Girl1: Oh, you mean Whiter than white? Yeah, I tried it and it tastes terrible. I’d never use it.

Boy: I guess you shouldn’t believe everything you read.