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CNN news 2007-08-05 加文本


cnn 2007-08-05

【电信1】 Realvideo / MP3

Good day to you. Hope you're enjoying your Saturday. I'm Cory Kessler at the cnn center in Atlanta. The investigation and recovery efforts in Minnesota's bridge collapse tops this look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

The NTSB is focusing on the southern section of the I-35 west bridge in its effort to determine what went wrong. Investigators say information from the video indicates the southern end shifted 50 feet during the collapse, while the rest of the structure fell in place. Divers also continue the new search for new victims in Wednesday's accident. Divers uncovered 12 new submerged vehicles but no additional bodies. And so far, five people are confirmed dead.

President Bush toured the disaster site earlier today. He promised help in rebuilding the bridge as quickly as possible. The federal government announced it is giving Minneapolis a five-million-dollar grant to help remove tons of debris and reroute traffic from the major artery in and out of the city.

Oakland, California, police are testing guns recovered from raids of a Black Muslims splinter group on Friday. Investigators suspect group members are involved in the killing of Oakland Post editor Chauncey Bailey and two others. Police say Bailey was killed in an ambush-style shooting Thursday morning. He had been working on a story about that splinter group.

Los Angeles police are investigating what appears to be a fatal dog attack at the home of Actor Ving Rhames. Authorities say a caretaker was found dead on the front lawn, covered in dog bites. That man who has not been identified worked at Rhames' home for the past two years. The actor was not home at the time.

Hundreds of people in Southern California are once again being forced to leave their homes because of fire. A month-old wildfire outside Santa Barbara regained strength last evening. It has torched more than 44,000 acres.

And you are now up-to-date. Those are the headlines at this hour. For more on these stories and other news of the day, you know where to turn, cnn always your source online, on TV or when you are on the go. I'm Cory Kessler.