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CNN news 2007-12-02 加文本


cnn 2007-12-02


Hey there, I'm Virginia Cha at the cnn Center in Atlanta. Here's a look at what's happening Now In The News.

In Johannesburg, South Africa, thousands of music fans have gathered to mark World AIDS Day. Former South African President Nelson Mandela organized a benefit concert to help raise AIDS awareness. He told concert goers they have the power to help reduce the disease's impact, especially in the developing world.

"Start off by protecting yourself and your loved ones, talk openly about HIV and AIDS. Urge those around you to change their attitudes to people living with HIV."

The World Health Organization says more than 33 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. It takes its deadliest toll in the developing world where 95 percent of the infected live today.

A British teacher jailed on blasphemy charges in Sudan could be one step closer to freedom. Members of the British Parliament are in Sudan today trying to win her release. Gillian Gibson was convicted of insulting Islam by allowing her students to name a teddy bear Muhammad after the founder of Islam. Sources say she may go home on Monday.

The Turkish military says it intensely engaged more than 50 Kurdish rebels inside Iraq's borders. The Turkish army's website is reporting significant casualties. A spokesman for a Kurdistan's regional government confirmed the attack, saying it included shelling and rockets. He also said Turkish troops did not enter Iraq. Tensions have been high along the border with Turkey threatening to launch a full-scale cross-border offensive against rebels in northern Iraq.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is hoping for a big victory in parliamentary elections tomorrow. During a final day of campaign on Friday, he urged voters to turn out big numbers to support his United Russia Party. Opposition parties complained of intimidation and that new election rules favor Putin's party. Political watchers say a United Russia win would virtually give Putin a mandate to continue playing a leading role in Russian politics even though he must step down as president in March.

Finally, a truffle sold at a charity auction across 3 cities has fetched an enormous price. Look at that thing. The gastronomic delicacy weighed in just over 3 pounds. It's sold for 330,000 dollars. Happy eating.

And those are the headlines at this hour. For more on all those stories and your other news of the day, cnn is your source online, on TV, even when you are on the go.