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CNN news 2009-12-11 加文本


cnn 2009-12-11

This makes me so angry, I was there, I know all about TARP. First, it was never intended that all those money whatever have to be spent. But any money that was not spent was to go to the deficit and the idea of taking these money and spending it is repulsive.

Senators are considering alternatives part of their healthcare legislation, specifically, the so-called public option, government-run health insurance program. Senate republicans and some democrats and independents are against that plan. A group of Democratic Senators was working to come up with some other ideas they could replace the public option. And late last night, they said they had reached an agreement. If the Senate passes its healthcare bill, that does not make it law, would still need to be combined with Health bill and then that final version would need to pass both the House and the Senate.

The head of Iraq’s government says that a series of suicide bombing is designed to create chaos in that country and prevent progress toward elections that is scheduled for next year. Prime Ministry Nuri Al-Maliki called yesterday’s terrorist attacks cowardly. The five explosions killed more than 125 people and injured more than 440 others. The bombings all took place within minutes of each other Tuesday morning. They targeted several government buildings around the capital city of Baghdad, as well as a neighborhood in a business district.