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CNN news 2010-12-04 加文本


cnn news 2010-12-04

At minimum , he will be looking at charges of an unauthorized disclosure of classified information.It is possible depending on how the facts play out that he could be looking at espionage charges which would potentially carry a life term.In oreder to make the case stick ,they had to find him ,and that't not a simple process at this point.Because I don't think anyone knows where he is,and they have to get him from wherever he is to the United States.That can be done.There are extradition treaties , but that's not a simple or a speedy process.

That every republican will vote against proceeding to any legislative matter until we've funded the government,and pretected every tax payer from a tax hike.Basically, what it means that those first things first.

With this letter they have simply put in writing, political strategy that Republicans pursued this entire congress ,namely obstruct, delay, obstruct delay,action on critical matters,and then blame the Democrats for not adressing the needs of American people.   very cynical but ,very obvious ,very transparent.

President Obama will be abandoning all offshore oil drilling in the easten gulf of  Mexico.This is a direct result of the BP oil spill. Now this is a change in the administration policy .I remember that prior to that oil spill and the administration had announced suspending oil drilling to that region but of course it was the disastrous BP oil spill, and so that changed everything.

The celebration is about the hope that the world is now looking into anything of AIDS, but also remembering the dead , the sadness ,and what is still to be done.Overall the ADIS epidemic somehow leveling coming to a Platea, but there are some regions where it continues to grow fast,and the most worring situation I see is in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.70 percent of the people who live with HIV with the virus are in Africa.However, whereas there was almost no one out of  just few tens of thousands of people  on treatment for AIDS in Africa just 6 years ago,now it is 3.5 million people who are accessing AIDS treatment.