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CNN news 2010-12-19 加文本


cnn news 2010-12-19

A lot of protests took place around the city's centre, around parliament, we did have some violence riot at this time, and it started with protesters throwing Molotov cocktails, and the police so responding, things escalated for a while, and the parliament minister is getting attacked by a group of protesters as he was leaving the parliament. This was one of the largest protests that we had in a long time. It's the 7th general strike, so far this year, a lot of angry and a number of others uh, that we have government speak, since this summer. The reason for that seems to be the new labor laws. What they will do, is, they make a lot easier for employers to fire people and they've put a cap on salaries in the public sector.

This is the tax proposal to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for another 2 years. The Senate took up the bill that's the White House and also Republicans to compromise the bill if you will. They have passed the bill that was just passed is going to be taken up by the House tomorrow, we're getting that from the House, the majority leader over there in the House are state lawyers.

Today, the United States has filed the civil lawsuit in the United States District Court in New Orleans against nine defendants. In a complaint the United States alleges violations of federal safety and operational regulations, the national interaction that we had often to say that the investigation on criminal side is pretty serious, it’s ongoing, as involved attorneys from mean justice as well as attorneys from US attorney's office in New Orleans and that matter was proceeding.

If you could've seen that gentleman's eyes, this was going to happen, you saw him there, this was going to happen. We could've had this place like Fort Knox. He would've shot us when we come out of the building. He was going to do this, there was nothing that we could have done to stop him, you know.

I don't think anything was going through my mind except the fact that this guy was sitting ducks, they were lined up like pigeons on the wire and I couldn't leave them without trying to at least divert or somehow or other diffused situation, or just buy some time until Mike Jones, bless his heart, could get there to help us out.

And It is astounding, just the scale of this first of all, more than half a billion people, about 1 in 12 people on the planet, of almost half Americans are Facebook accounts, Uh, it's not just the scale, but the depth to which Facebook has affected people's life, uh, I think he had the sense of the kind of change he want to make in the world, and uh, I think he hope the Facebook will get as big as he did. And he’s only 26, most of people in their careers, they do not start, you know, disposing of their wealth in charitable way until much later in their lives. But he figured, why wait?