CNN news 2011-07-22 加文本
cnn news 2011-07-22
I would just like to say one sentence: This is the most humble day of my life. This is not as an excuse. Maybe it's an explanation of my laxity. The "News of the World" is less than 1 percent of our company. I employ 53,000 people around the world who are proud and great and ethical and distinguished people, professionals in their life and perhaps -- and I'm spread watching and appointing people in my trust to run those divisions.
The sitting is suspended. 10 minutes.
Atlantis weighs anchor from the international space station for the last time. This is sequential still video. Atlantis, station is under the control. We've got Atlantis from the station. Take it home, dudes. What I photoed is spectacular. At the sunset of its career and orbital done, glinting off the special shuttle, Atlantis, flying 600 feet in front of the air International Space Station near the west cost of the Africa moving from southwest to northeast.