CNN news 2011-11-19 加文本
cnn news 2011-11-19
AZUZ: And that volcano is putting on a major fireworks show.
AZUZ (voice-over): You can see why tourists at Virunga National Park aren`t coming just to see the gorillas. This eruption started more than a week ago. Scientists don`t know when it`ll end. They do believe the lava is heading to an area that`s uninhabited and that it`s not a threat to the endangered gorillas in the area. You can see these pictures are pretty close-up.
Virunga National Park has actually set up a camp, one a mile away from the eruption, where tourists can spend the night if they want. The lava`s estimated to be spewing almost a thousand feet from the top of the volcano. For perspective, Old Faithful`s water reaches about 140 feet in the air.
AZUZ: If banning sugary drinks at school doesn`t stop students from drinking them otherwise, should schools still ban the drinks?
AZUZ (voice-over): At, Kara says school is about 61/2 hours every weekday. That`s 61/2 hours that kids aren`t drinking soda or other sugary drinks.
Claire says banning the drinks on campus gets the anti-childhood obesity message across and it may encourage students to refrain from drinking them altogether.
On the other side of this, Brenda doesn`t think sugary drinks should be banned because students are going to drink them anyway. It`s not the school`s job to raise awareness about obesity, she writes.
Majdahlin says a soda may not be as healthy as orange juice, but will it really affect your grade on a math test? I believe the choice should be the student`s, not the school`s.
And from Victory, to solve obesity, we must start at the homes, not the schools. Bringing sugary drinks back to school will help sales at the school.