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CNN news 2011-11-28 加文本


cnn news 2011-11-28

MOHAMMED JAMJOON, cnn INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: For a short while, many wondered if Bahrain would go the way of Tunisia, Egypt in (INAUDIBLE) . In February, thousands of protesters began to march demanding reforms. Despite a brutal crackdown, they persisted. Then in March Suadi -led GCC forces arrived to support Bahrain's government.

While an uprising may have been stopped in the tiny (INAUDIBLE) -led (INAUDIBLE) majority country the tensions never went away.


JAMJOON: M. Cherif Bassiouni heads the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry, a body that was set up by Bahrain's King to investigate allegations of abuse.

BASSIOUNI: This is the most complicated situation and that is because I think both sides view each other not only with enormous mistrust but with an almost surreal sense of -- I know this word is going to get me in trouble but a sense of paranoia. You can't really trust anything the other side is saying.

JAMJOON: After months of investigations on Wednesday it released its findings. A highly critical report that said among other things, that Bahrain's security forces had used excessive force and torture against people arrested during protests. Also, listed in the findings, mistreatment of detainees including beatings, threats of rape and electrocutions.

KING HAMAD BIN ISA AL-KHALIFA (through interpreter) : We will not accept or tolerate the ill treatment of prisoners.

JAMJOON: Immediately, King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, publicly promised reforms and accountability especially for officials who did not perform their responsibilities.

KING HAMAD BIN ISA AL-KHALIFA (through interpreter) : The officials who did not perform their responsibilities, they will be accountable and replacement and in addition to all that, we will uphold and achieve the reforms that will please all sections of our community and this is the only way to achieve national reconciliation.

JAMJOON: But one opposition official says that is not enough.

KHALIL ALMARZOOQ, OPPOSITION OFFICIAL: That we need elected government fully authorized parliament to make this government responsible and accountable fair and (INAUDIBLE) system, anything then to addition of (INAUDIBLE) and includes the security.

JAMJOON: Protesters want much more so there was sporadic protests again on Wednesday, a day that was supposed to be about taking responsibility and talking reconciliation. It is unclear now if this will lead to a vicious circle of conflict that just keeps inflicting pain. I am Mohammed Jamjoon, cnn, (INAUDIBLE) , Bahrain.