CNN news 2013-05-19 加文本
cnn news 2013-05-19
A terrorist plot, leaked information, secret record gathering and that's the first story on this Wednesday show. Hi, everyone, I am Carl Azuz. This story involves a news organization and U.S. justice department. The associate press says the government agency secretly collected two months of telephone records from AP employees. The President of AP said, quoted, this record potentially review communications with confidential sources and close information about AP's activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know. The AP reported that the government hasn't said why it wanted the records, but officials said they were looking in the how details of a foiled bomb plot were leaked last year.
Attorney General Eric Holder runs the U.S. justice department.He says he wasn't involved in the decision to collect phone records. But he said the leak put the American people at risk. Trying to determine his responsible for it required in his words very aggressive action.
You know that the U.S. has freedom of the press. It's in the constitution.But that freedom doesn't necessarily cover everything the press does.cnn legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin says there is no law that allows reporters to protect their sources. Toobin says what U.S. justice department did was legal, but also further than any presidential administration has gone before.
Just the facts, Bangladesh is a country in Southern Asia. It's a home to more than 160 million people. The country struggles with poverty overpopulation and political instability. But its economy has been growing in recent years.Its garment industry makes up nearly 80 percent of the country’s exports.
People who make those cloth do so at a fraction of cost and a fraction of salary of what it takes to make them in the U.S.Minimum wage in Bangladesh, less than 40 dollars a month. A recent tragedy has bought a lot of attention to the bad conditions that many Bangladeshis work in. A day after cracks appeared in the nine story building near Bangladeshis capital Employees of its garments factories were told to come to work anyway. When the building collapse on April 24th, more than 1,100 people were killed. In the week since, more than 2,400 were rescued from the rubble. The nation's army ended its recovery effort yesterday, the owner of the building and its factory has been arrested. And the government says it will improve conditions for Bangladesh workers, though some calling that too little too late. Pressure on the internationally, as well. Many companies in the U.S. and Europe have cloth manufactured in Bangladesh. They are being pushed to make sure conditions for workers are safe.
Different culture around the world approach education differently. Early this we talked about Sierra Leone and how girls there haven't traditionally been given access education. In South Korea, the issue isn't getting an education, it's more about how well you do in school and what some students are doing to succeed is having an impact across the entire country.