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CNN news 2013-05-30 加文本


cnn news 2013-05-30

CARL AZUZ, cnn ANCHOR: Hi, I`m Carl Azuz. And this is cnn STUDENT NEWS. We hope you enjoy the long weekend. Our first story today is about infrastructure, the fundamental systems that service city, state or country. So, things like power plants, roads and bridges. Part of this bridge in Washington State collapsed last week when a tractor trailer with an oversized load hit an overhead part of the bridge. Several vehicles fell into the water, rescue crews showed up to help the victims, three people were injured. Officials estimate that it`s going to cost $15 million to fix the bridge. It`s part of important shipping route between the U.S. and Canada. Nearly $14 billion in cargo crosses that bridge every year. Authorities are hoping to have a temporary bridge up next month, and a permanent bridge up in September.

In other parts of the country, people have been struggling through different forms of severe weather. In San Antonio, Texas, huge amounts of rain over the weekend led the flash floods. At least three people were killed, thousands of people lost their power and dozens of streets were closed because of it. San Antonio`s fire chief said that on Saturday, in 15 hours 250 water-related calls came in.

Up in the Northeast it looked more like winter than spring. This is late May, Vermont seemed to get some of the worst of this. Up to 7.5 inches of snow fell in some parts of the state, one concern there is about the snowfall weighing down trees and branches. That can increase the chance of them falling on power lines.

See, if you can I.D. me.

I`m an American organization that was founded in 1910. Since then, I`ve had more than 100 million members. My highest rank is Eagle, and my motto is "Be Prepared.

I`m the Boy Scouts of America. And I`m aimed to build the character, values and fitness of young people.

Next year, there is going to be a change to a boy scouts membership policy, Starting on January 1st , the organization will allow young people who are openly gay to join.

Last week, the group`s national council voted for the change. They also decided to maintain the current policy of not allowing gay adult leaders. The reaction openly gay youth joining the scouts has been mixed. He is what a former scout leader and a former Eagle scout had to say about it.

GREG BOURKE, FORMER BOY SCOUT LEADER: This is a victory for scouting, this is a victory for gay youth, the youth would no longer have to hide in the closets when they are participating in their scout activities and with their troops. So, it gives freedom to and acceptance to gay youth in the scouting program. It`s historic.

BLAINE FREIDLINE, FORMER EAGLE SCOUT: I can`t in good conscience represent the scouts anymore. Because of the abandonment that I see of the basic values, the transcendent God-given Bible based about (inaudible) that the Scouts have been based on for over century.

AZUZ: In Moore, Oklahoma, graduations ceremonies happened as planned on Saturday. The town is recovering from last week`s devastating tornado, which was on the minds of the graduates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re damaged, but we survived. We`re hurt, but we`re resilient. We`re graduating, but we`re not done with our successes.