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CNN news 2013-06-09 加文本


cnn news 2013-06-09

Majority of Mississippi, with water rising,breaching levees, drowning crops and threatening homes. People have beenpitching in all day, filling sand bags, trying to fight back. But it may not beenough, and the weather could make things even worse over the next few days.

Martin Savidge joins us now from the flood zone, north of Saint Louis.

Martin, the authorities are bracing themselves for another breach.

--Yeah, Anderson. This is just outside West Alton. This area has literally beenall day long kind of focus of the battle with the flood water here. It had 2breaches in the last 24 hours, now it appears for a third breach, and this onecould be the most serious of all. The Mississippi river is just beyond here,you might see that smoke stack in the background there. If it gives away, andthere is real fear there is a slide occurring on one of the levees there.

If that happens, all that water is gonna come right this way. 94 here, thestate high way, it is the main way out, they have to keep this roadway open.Because for a lot of people, it's gonna be the way they get out of the water'sway.

They're erecting right now a store kind of levee very quickly, to try toprevent that from happening. In essence, it's gonna be a watery alomo. Theyhave to hold it. If they don't, there will be in serious touble and the powerplanet would be in trouble, as well, Anderson.

--Are conditions supposed to get worse before it gets better in West Alton?

--Yeah, because the next thing is gonna happen. Even though the water is goingdown, the weather is going to move in. Tomorrow, more rain is anticipated. What'sgonna be crucial is how much rain, where would that rain fall, especially inthe north, and is there going to be wind as well. Because you see the water isat the top of a lot of these levees, if you get the wind, if you get the waveaction, it's gonna have more kind of corrosive effect. If it erode even moreand weaken the structures that right now are already showing the signs ofweakness. So, it is really gonna be a time when people are gonna watch thewater, and watch the sky.

The mystery related to the Boston Marathon bombing. Down the last 24 hours, wehave been trying to find the hero who, Erika Brannock, says so desperatelyhelped save her life.

We told you about Erika last night. She left Boston's Beth Israel Deacon'sMedical Center yesterday, the last of the Boston Marathon bombing victims to gohome. She had 11 surgeries, she still has a long recovery ahead.

Randi Kaye spent the day with Erika yesterday. And in a report last night, she describedwhat happened to Erika in this critical minutes right after the bomber wentoff. A good appeared at her side. Listen.

Erika is also screaming for help. The lower part of her left leg had been blownoff, and her right leg was broken.

--I had a conversation in my head with God, and I told Him I wasn't ready togo.

And it was almost instantaneously she heard my thoughts. This woman kind ofcrawled over to me, and she grabbed my hand. She heard me screaming for help,and she said my name is Jone from California, I'm gonna let you go. And shestayed with me for the whole time.

Jone used her belt as a tourniquet on Erika's leg. Erika never got Jone's lastname, or contact, but swears the woman in the yellow jacket with brown hairsaved her life.

She desperately wants to find her and thank her.

--Yeah, that's her.

We showed her a picture of Jone helping her from the Boston Globe.

--That's Jone right there, and then she's holding my hand right there, and thisis my right leg.