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CNN news 2013-06-13 加文本


cnn news 2013-06-13

I am Carl Azuz, this is cnnstudent news where Fridays are awesome. Our last show starts with the firstname storm of Atlantic hurricane season. Wind and rain from Andrea started hittingFlorida yesterday. Storm was projected to move across the state and up the eastcoast. Andrea was tropical storm yesterday. Experts predicted it wouldn't beover water long enough to strength into a hurricane before it made a landfall.

Next up, there are controversyconcerning bone records. British news reports that the U.S. national securityagency collects phone records from version on daily basis. The NSA didn'tcomment on the report neither did for Verzion. When U.S. senator said theprogram is legal that has been going for seven years. The U.S. congress saysthe program helped stop a terrorist attack to U.S. But another say thisviolates an expectation of privacy. Another her senator described itsgovernment overreach and he said most Americans would find shocking.

North Korea and South Koreaare talking about talking. The countries are planning to discuss the Kaesongindustrial zone. It's a manufacture area in North Korea that’s right on theborder. It's also been a symbol of cooperation with North and South Koreansworking there together. But North Korea shut it down in April as attentionsincreased on the Korean Peninsula. That's just one of the major story we coveredthe school year. Here's look back.

And incredible 570 millionkilometer journey is coming to an end. NASA's rover Curiosity is on finalapproach to Mars. Touchdown confirmed. We're safe on Mars.

The rover curiosity continuesto send back just specular image every day. The pictures are getting better andbetter.

At this time, we have begunthe balloon inflation, capsule systems are green, instrumentation is green,payload is green and medical systems are green.

I had tears in my eyes when Iwas coming back couple times. Because you are sitting there, you thought aboutthe moment so many times, you know, how it would feel, and how it would looklike. And this is a way bigger than I anticipated.

We are riding around at 2o'clock in the morning, we look forward the people out of water. As you see,these people down the street.

--You have a national guardnow, thank God, helping rescue people out there home so there's nowhere to go.There a very stench of gasoline in the water as well.

Right now, I'm much concernabout preventing any other loss of life, getting people to safe places, andthen we will worry about the election. The election will take care of itself.