CNN news 2013-06-21 加文本
cnn news 2013-06-21
Tonight with reports you see only here on360.
We are on conformation tonight the scandalinvolving the IRS could be widely beyond the targeting conservative politicalgroups. Those groups of course seeking taxes and statues. cnn has learned atleast one former air marshal one publically criticized then suit the U.S.government has been interviewed by the IRS spectator general's office. Why?Because she was suddenly audited by the IRS after speaking against managementin the politics in federal agency. Keep them in the honest could mean theinvestigation into the IRS as extending to how the agency treated not just teamparty groups but other individuals who spoke out against the government. Hereis an investigated correspondence Drew Griffin with the 360 exclusive.
Jeff Black is a former federal air marshalwho spoke out and eventually became a well-known government whistle-bloweragainst the federal air marshal service and department of homeland security. Heeven testified closed doors before congress, but it is what happened after heretired in June of 2010. That he came to believe someone in the federal marshalservice or department of homeland security or the Obama administration itselfwas using the IRS to retaliate against him.
We boarded the aircraft before thepassengers. That was one of the flaws in the boarding procedures.
Jeff Black appeared in this documentarymovie. In title please remove your shoes a scathing spoof of the TSA's securityprocedures. Its debut in Washington D.C. came on June 30, 2010. That same day,Jeff Black found out he was under investigation by the IRS.
Almost to the hour that the movie started,there was an IRS agency knocked at my door at home. You don't think anywaythat's a coincidence. I think the IRS is going to claim it's a coincidence.
He was being audited a 24,000 dollar lienquietly was placed on his home and a year long intensive investigation into histaxes was under way. But in the end the federal government actually owed him8,300 dollars and Black owed the IRS a mere 480 dollars. Black had to pay that480 dollars but because the IRS decided to statute of limitation has run. Thegovernment did Black a dime. And now the treasury department inspector generalis launching its own investigation, trying to find out if anyone in the federalgovernment used the IRS to punish Jeff Black.
They want to know the history of mywhistle-blowing, me testifying before congress, they wanted to get a wholehistory of my appointment with the federal marshal service. They also wanted tofind out the origin of audits. They were very concerned with finding out whoactually bushed the button to start the audit.
Meanwhile, in a sign that scrutiny of theIRS is growing, a spokesperson for House Ways and Means Committee told cnn itis using the committee website to solicit from the individuals who believe theywere targeted for political police while its early in this investigation todetermine what all of the facts are, the spokesperson told cnn, some reportsreceived by the committee support claims the IRS was targeting taxpayers fortheir beliefs.