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CNN news 2013-06-25 加文本


cnn news 2013-06-25

Hi, I am Anderson Cooper. Welcome podcast.

The oldest organization so-called ex-gamemovement shuts up and apologize it. I am telling you why. Also the medical breakthroughthat help three-year old boy here for the very first time with the great radioamazing moment. Let's get started.

We begin though tonight keep them honestthe oldest organization so-called ex-game movement shutting its doors andapologizing, saying the world view has been quoted:" neither honoringtoward our fellow human being nor biblical." The organization was calledexdus international, maybe you hear about it for more than three decades now inchapters across the country, they promoted what's often called reparativetherapy based on petition of Christian teaching. They told people they canchange their sexual orientation. Exdus began in the mid-1970s and even one ofits founding members renounced the organization at the end of that decadeadmitting that he wasn't ex-gay at all but was in fact still very gay. Exdushas continued to claim that he could help people get over their same sexattractions. Ellen Chambers was the most recent head of Exdus International. Hepersonally now is apologizing to gay people.

"I'm sorry for the pain and the hurtthat many of you have experienced. I'm sorry that some of you spent yearsworking through shame and guilt you felt when your attractions didn't change.I'm sorry that we promoted sexual orientation change efforts and reparativetheories about sexual orientation that stigmatize parents."   

That's Ellen Chambers in documentary hostby Lisa Lin who joins us shortly tonight. In the long statement on the ExdusInternational website titled I'm sorry. He elaborates, saying quote: "I'mprofoundly sorry that many have walked away from their faith and that's some ofchoosing to end their lives. And yesterday, Exdus International officiallyclosed their shop. As I said, we're gonna talk with Lisa Lin in a moment andwe'll talk with Ellen Chambers tomorrow on this program. But first, we wannashow you what Exdus has been telling people for decades now. Here's a reportour Gary T. filed back before Exdus shut its doors back when they were stillsaying reparative therapy could work.