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CNN news 2013-07-18 加文本


cnn news 2013-07-18

Well, historian Kate Bllen joins me now. Soexpand, Kate thanks for joining us. Regardless if the child is a boy or a girl,he or she is the next in line for the throne. But explain to us for the firsttime in the history of the royals, what? What through interesting here , isthat previously you have to be a boy to get that throne pretty much in the onlygirls  who get the  throne are those with no brothers. Forexample, Victoria Elizabeth II, Elizabeth I. Let’s remember that Henry theEighth was so eager to have a son, he actually broke from the Church of Romeand set up his new church, so he can marry his mistress Anne Boleyn. In Britishhistory with privileged the king and now this is completely different thisbaby, if it is a girl, will be our next queen and it doesn't matter how manybrothers she has. She will get the title, she will get the land, and she willbe the richest woman in Europe, one of the richest women in the world. And thisI think it's a big move forward that is to say, it's a big blow for femaleequality. We are saying women can do the top job and also suggest really theMonarchy has caught up with the rest Britain where, you know, supposed to beabout equality here.

It's interesting, because the parliamentjust pass the you think what happened decades ago, but just happened relativelyrecently two of the England's best loved monarchs were of course women. Theyhave been 6 queens in the thousands years history but Queen Victoria and QueenElizabeth II, very very popular. Could the birth of a baby girl be enough tomodernize this Monarchy?

As you say the lord's been really rash toit but behind our European cousins. Sweden for example put it through over 20years ago. We are bits slow on the outtake. And yes monarchy got a lot oftradition, but you know every time we have had a queen they made a lot ofchanges. They are modern. They are exciting, Victoria and Elizabeth II.

And I think what makes the differences welove Elizabeth II in this country - She is one of our most popular monarchs,she set a great example in terms of longevity, in terms of being politicalneutral and dignified.

And we just want another girl to do thesame job, and that's so hopefully. We are going to see sometime this week becauseMax is saying he thinks it's girl.