CNN news 2015-05-25 加文本
cnn news 2015-05-25
The evidence of the havoc the oil spill has caused shown all over the bodies of the five pelicans and a sea lion rescued so far. The magnitude yet to be assessed for the damage to the ocean's other beautiful creatures. The company responsible for this mess, Plains All American Pipeline.
Skimming vessels so far have recovered 7,770 gallons of an oily water mixture.
It turns out the company has a checkered history when it comes to its infrastructure. In 2010, the company and some of its subsidiaries agreed to spend 41 million dollars to upgrade 10,000 miles of crude oil pipeline. As part of a settlement with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Justice Department. This after violations between 2004 and 2007 for ten crude oil spills in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Kansas. And just last year, a rupture sent 10,000 gallons of oil flowing onto a Los Angeles street. Its record in the top five worse for infractions compared to other similar companies. The spill affecting Santa Barbara's coastline, one of the worst here.
What does the company say about all that? We asked.
Can you just answer one more question that the public may want to know? Five-hundred barrels. What does that mean? How much oil is that?
Approximately 42 gallons to a barrel, so that would be 105,000 gallons.
Initially you said 21,000. Why the huge jump in the amount?
Again, that was a worst-case scenario. The 500 barrels would be 21,000 gallons, as you pointed out.
What do you say to the public that's angry about this spill and your record when it comes to problems?
Again, we deeply regret what has happened, and again, we will continue to work with the federal, state and local agencies to mitigate this incident as quickly as possible.
The governor of California deemed the spill a state of emergency to assist with the oil clean-up. In the lush city of Santa Barbara, the reaction loud and clear.
Get oil out! Get oil out!!!
What are your thoughts? What does that do to you?
It's heartbreaking, and the Gabiota coast is a global ecological treasure. There's not many places like it throughout the globe, and for it to happen there is extremely significant in the sense of what that could mean long-term in terms of impact.