CNN News:人口贩卖每年获利数十亿美元 巴西虽废除奴隶制但奴工仍存在
Our first story this April 25th involves alleged human trafficking. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as modern day slavery. It involves deceiving people, defrauding them or forcing them into a type of labor or prostitution.
The DHS says trafficking brings billions of dollars of yearly profit to people who illegally trade human lives. And according to the Global Slavery Index, some form of slavery traps more than 48 million, men, women and children, in 167 countries.
In Brazil, South America's largest and most populated country, slavery was officially abolished in 1888. But like in so many other countries, including the U.S., human trafficking continues in Brazil. In one area where people are taking advantage of is in agriculture. It accounts for more than 6 percent of the country's gross domestic product. More than 15 percent of its labor force.
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