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CNN News:意大利非必要商店重新开放 法国印度延长限制措施


CARL AZUZ, cnn 10 ANCHOR: Hi, I'm Carl Azuz. We're going to the library today on cnn 10. But Carl, you might be thinking, the library's closed. Yes, but some are still open to the idea of helping others and we're going to show you how.
As far as reopening businesses to the public goes, a handful of U.S. states are now drawing up plans to do that. Places that are seeing coronavirus cases and deaths level out or even decrease want to get people back to work and restart the engine of commerce. But as Texas Governor Greg Abbott puts it, it's not going to be an everyone is open all at once situation. Slow, steady and planned are the ways governors want to go about this.

We told you how Wuhan, China, the first city where the COVID-19 outbreak was reported, lifted its lockdown last week. In Italy, the lockdown is still in place but a small number of businesses were allowed to reopen on a trial basis starting Tuesday. And these are businesses that are considered non-essential like bookstores and children's clothing stores. Pharmacies and grocery stores are considered essential and have been allowed to stay open during the lockdown.
In Spain, around the capital of Madrid, an estimated 300,000 non-essential workers including some in construction have gotten back to work. But it's a different story in France which is extending its restrictions and keeping its borders closed for another month. And in India where coronavirus cases continue to increase, the nationwide lockdown has been extended until May 3rd.
Most of the American public is under stay-at-home orders. This means not being able to go to the library, though many of them are offering books, shows and movies online. But even with their physical doors closed, they're still providing a valuable service.