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新编大学英语听力3 unit5


[03:55.66]The first part
[03:59.26]Dear Miss Austen,
[04:02.14]I was so happy to receive your letter. It is a valuable letter of reply to me.
[04:09.34]I never expected such a detailed response. I am eighty years old and I am blind.
[04:17.87]There is little I can do except knit and that is why I knit so many caps,
[04:24.74]sweaters and scarves. Of course, I can't write,
[04:30.97]so my daughter-in-law is writing this letter for me.
[04:36.01]I know a little bit about the work you are doing.
[04:40.40]At the age of nineteen I married a man who was going to China to be a missionary.
[04:46.96]For 40 years, with an occasional year at home in America,
[04:52.75]we worked in China. We had two sons, only one of whom is still alive.
[05:01.64]After 40 years, my husband's health began to fail.
[05:07.01]We moved back to the States
[05:11.00]where he took charge of a settlement house in Brooklyn, New York.
[05:16.51]When my husband died, I came to Toronto to live with my son and daughter-in-law.
[05:23.64]1)How old is the American lady?
[05:28.86]2)What does she knit?
[05:33.68]3)Who wrote the letter?
[05:38.04]4)Why couldn't the old lady write the letter herself?
[05:44.95]5)How old was she when she got married?
[05:50.89]6)Where did the couple work for forty years?
[05:57.16]7)How many of her children are still alive now?
[06:03.53]8)Why did the couple return to America?  
[06:09.50]9)Where did the elderly lady go after her husband died?
[06:16.85]10)Who lives with her now?
[06:21.96]Exercise 2
[06:29.45]Listen to the second part of the letter.
[06:34.02]Then fill in the blanks according to what you have heard.
[06:39.42]Check your answer with your partner.
[06:44.46]The second part
[06:47.77]What I most wanted to say is this.
[06:52.60]For 60 years I have been making up missionary packages of clothing,
[06:58.97]food, medicine, or books.
[07:02.96]I have sent them to various parts of the world.
[07:08.00]Sometimes I have received a printed slip of acknowledgement, sometimes nothing.
[07:15.28]Never before in all these years have I had a personal letter describing the village
[07:22.58]and telling me who is wearing the clothing and what they said.
[07:28.45]I never thought that in my lifetime I would receive a letter like that.
[07:34.68]May God bless you.
[07:38.46]Exercise 3
[07:45.23]Listen to the whole story again and discuss in groups