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新编大学英语自主听力 4Unit 6


[05:05.28]One the Thursday it was time to move, according to the arrangement, to Eng's house.
[05:10.61]Eng did not want Chang to go, but Chang insisted. His health grew steadily worse until on January 17th he died.
[05:20.15]When Eng realized his twin brother had died he said,"Then I am going to die too." He did, two hours later.  (256 words)
[05:30.19]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions briefly.
[05:41.96]Exercise 3:Directions:Listen to the whole passage again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
[05:58.52]1)Chang and Eng were very tall and itelligent.
[06:05.54]2)Because they were Siamese twins, they led a poor life.
[06:12.96]3)They married sisters and had a lot of children.
[06:19.37]4)They lived in the twins' original house all their lives.
[06:27.47]5)Chang died of bronchitis.
[06:33.16]Practice Three The Marie Celeste
[06:37.94]Words You Need to Know
[06:39.96]bound     combat     disruption       Dei Gratia      Morehouse
[06:52.09]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the information you get from the passage.
[07:05.70]On April 14, 1868, two ships were scheduled to leave the busy port of New York, bound for Europe.
[07:18.12]The night before, their captains met and had dinner together. The dinner was very ordinary and certainly neither man knew he would soon have a role in one of the world's greatest mysteries.
[07:36.19]The two ships left the next morning. Their names:the Dei Gratia and the Marie Celeste.
[07:46.13]After several days at sea, Morehouse, the captain of the Dei Gratia, sighted the Marie Celeste, and he immediately recognized that something was wrong.
[08:00.85]It was not moving and there was no sign of life on deck.
[08:07.48]Morehouse and a few of his men took a small boat to the Marie Celeste to investigate.
[08:17.56]They searched every part of the ship and found nothing - not a man, dead or alive, no signs of illness or combat, no disruption.
[08:34.51]In fact, everything was in good order, as if the crew had left ten minutes before.
[08:44.27]There was a ten-pound note on a table, with an unfinished letter home near it, a freshly washed stack of clothes in the laundry, and plenty of food and water.
[09:01.69]These signs of normal, everyday life on an empty ship were the strangest feature of the mystery.
[09:12.67]What had happened to the captain and crew? If they had been attacked, why was everything still in its place and why were there no signs of a struggle?
[09:29.45]If they had died suddenly from a disease, where were their bodies?
[09:35.60]Investigators searched for the answers to these questions for years and years, but they camp up with nothing.
[09:46.30]The fate of the men of the Marie Celeste remains as one of the unanswered questions of our time.  (289 words)
[09:56.02]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the passage and decide whether the statements on the recording are true (T) or false (F).
[10:11.03]1)Both the Dei Gratia and the Marie Celeste set off for Europe.
[10:19.49]2)Captain Morehouse was surprised to see the Marie Celese disappear.
[10:28.88]3)The captain of the Marie Celeste left an unfinished letter explaining what had happened.
[10:39.14]4)All the food and water had been used up on the ship.
[10:46.45]5)The untouched contents of the Marie Celeste mystified Morehouse and others.
[10:56.71]Exercise 3:Directions:Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions briefly.
[11:08.63]Happy Minute
[11:10.50]Enjoy listen to the passage and answer the following question.
[11:15.40]What did the third man imply when he said he liked to hear Look,he is moving at the funeral?
[11:24.90]Three friends arrived at the Pearly Gates at the same time.
[11:29.00]As part of their orientation to heaven, St. Peter asked what kind of remarks they would most like to hear from their family and friends at their funerals.