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大学英语综合教程 第三册 5textA


[10:23.46]coastguardsman                  under way                       carton                          bomb
[10:28.60]海岸警卫队队员  航行中          硬纸盒          炸弹
[10:33.73]pad                             rack                            ashore                          traditional
[10:38.30]用软的材料衬托  炮弹架          在岸上          传统的
[10:42.87]turkey                          put away                        sundown                         afterdeck
[10:50.72]火鸡            收好            日落时分        后甲板
[10:58.57]draught                         get to sth./doing sth           cob                             and the rest
[11:07.47]气流            开始认真思考    玉米穗轴        等等
[11:16.36]quest                           reverse                         verbal                          turn over
[11:23.27]寻求            反转            口头的          考虑
[11:30.18]brighten                        repay                           sincere                         lastingly
[11:37.20]变亮            偿还            诚挚的          长久地
[11:44.21]gratitude                       statement                       heartfelt                       appreciation
[11:52.65]感激            陈述            衷心的          感谢
[12:01.08]agricultural                    mechanical                      hometown                        Reverend
[12:09.85]农业的          机械的          故乡            尊敬的
[12:18.61]at sea                          specific                        behalf                          instance
[12:26.08]在海上航行      明确的          利益            例子
[12:33.55]uppermost                       impress                         boyhood                         quiz
[12:41.39]最高的          使重视          少年时代        测验
[12:49.23]diminish                        expose                          immerse                         awareness
[12:56.11]使变小          使暴露          使沉浸          察觉
[13:02.99]marvelous                       prayer                          assemble                        considerate
[13:09.85]不可思议的      祈祷            集合            体贴的
[13:16.71]sprinkle                        stardust                        unload                          cargo
[13:20.84]将…洒在…上    梦幻            卸货            货物
[13:24.96]reload                          recede                          rendezvous                      accord
[13:32.68]再装            变得模糊        会合            使符合
[13:40.40]topmost                         loudspeaker                     rasp                            hundred-odd
[13:48.68]最高的          扩音器          发出            一百多个
[13:56.96]shipmate                        deck                            cluster                         seaman
[14:00.92]同船水手        甲板            群              海员
[14:04.88]bulge                           fistful                         bark                            successive
[14:11.19]鼓胀            一把            厉声叫出        接连不断的
[14:17.50]in turn                         amid                            humble                          undergo
[14:24.55]轮流地          在…当中        使谦卑          经过
[14:31.60]swift                           reassurance                     appreciate                      bring back
[14:39.96]迅疾的          放心            赏识            回想起
[14:48.32]in a flash                      weep                            diaper                          being
[14:52.46]一瞬间          流泪            尿布            生命
[14:56.60]go about                        in secret                       quote                           mightily
[15:03.54]表现      秘密地     引用      非常
[15:11.91]最主要的    信纸信封