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大学英语综合教程 第四册 Unit6A


[12:20.73]on the go                       cope                            set about                       untangle
[12:26.88]繁忙            妥善处理        开始            理顺
[12:33.03]quantities/a large quantity of  idleness                        enslave                         bewildering
[12:41.27]许多的          闲散            奴役            费解的
[12:49.51]millennium                      eat into                        motorcar                        aircraft
[12:55.12]一千年          侵蚀            汽车            飞机
[13:00.72]time-consuming                  transatlantic                   expedition                      convention
[13:07.43]耗费时间的      横越大西洋的    探险            惯例
[13:14.15]toil                            in reality                      multiply                        groom
[13:19.71]辛苦地劳作      事实上          增加            梳妆
[13:25.28]laptop                          syndrome                        burden                          fax
[13:31.77]便携式电脑      综合症状        负担            传真件
[13:38.26]voicemail                       software                        glitch                          fraction
[13:43.69]语音邮件        软件            失灵            少许
[13:49.13]pour in                         CD-ROM                          proliferate                     a handful of                   
[13:55.70]大量涌入        光盘只读存储器  激增            少量
[14:02.27]journal                         publication                     honorary                        curator
[14:08.26]日报            出版            荣誉的          馆长
[14:14.26]entomology                      comparative                     zoology                         amount to
[14:20.60]昆虫学          比较的          动物学          相当于
[14:26.95]minute                          frontier                        stress                          prosperity
[14:33.85]极少的          知识边缘        压力            繁荣
[14:40.74]oblige                          discontent                      abundance                       confusion
[14:46.87]效劳            不满足          丰富            迷乱
[14:53.00]shorthand                       unemployed                      peripherally                    economy
[14:58.76]速记            失业的          边缘地          经济
[15:04.52]forecast                        self-imposed                    volunteer                       perception
[15:11.22]预测            自己强加的      自愿者          观念
[15:17.92]sociology                       unevenly                        singles                         empty-nester
[15:24.07]社会学          不平坦地        未婚的人        厮守空巢者
[15:30.22]pre-school                      nurture                         offspring                       gender
[15:35.91]学前的          养育            孩子            性别
[15:41.61]appliance                       appalling                       distribution                    famine
[15:47.71]器具            骇人听闻的      分布            饥荒
[15:53.81]widespread                      provoke                         a variety of                    byte
[16:00.16]遍布的          使产生          各种的          字节
[16:06.50]gratification                   streamline                      growth                          concierge
[16:12.21]满意            使合理化        生长            看门人
[16:17.92]domestic                        childcare                       on-line                         retailer
[16:23.37]家庭的          儿童照管        在线的          零售商
[16:28.81]forum                           spring up                       futile                          divert
[16:34.60]论坛            突然出现        无效的          转移
[16:40.39]arise                           shortage                        surfeit                         cram
[16:44.84]出现            缺少            过量            硬塞进
[16:49.29]candy                           evade                           confine                         reasonably
[16:54.90]糖果            躲开            范围            合理地
[17:05.75]切断            手机            注定