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No Pressure —— Little Boots 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

2015-07-13 16:16:05来源:和谐英语

【首播】短发妹纸小靴子Little Boots首播最新单曲“No Pressure”官方MV,怎么能让了无生趣的办公室生活剥夺了你的乐趣,看小靴子如何解救办公室一族!不过比小靴子更抢眼的是柔韧度惊人的男舞者!

No Pressure

Little Boots

The city treats you like a stranger
Though you've been here a hundred times before
Playing the game you need a changer
Closing the window, need an open door
And I don't like where I am
And my friends don't understand
Was it all part of the plan? For me?
So I try to be strong
As I turned the TV on
But the static plays too long, in my head....
[Chorus x2:]
No pressure, no pressure
Anything is possible
You just need a miracle!
No pressure, no pressure
Everything could change
Cause there's a silver lining on the way
Yeah, I could go about my business
I drink my coffee, yeah I need the hit
Craving a little more attention
Yeah, I don't trust myself when I'm like this
So I try to be strong
As I turned the TV on
But the static plays too long, in my head....
[Chorus x2:]
No pressure, no pressure
Anything is possible
You just need a miracle!
No pressure, no pressure
Everything could change
Cause there's a silver lining on the way
Am I feeling million miles away
You make it sound so easy when you say
No pressure
No pressure!
No pressure
[Chorus x2:]
No pressure, no pressure
Anything is possible
You just need a miracle!
No pressure, no pressure
Everything could change
Cause there's a silver lining on the way
