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Fox News:班农就"通俄门"指控改口


Steve Bannon left the Conservative news site to work on Donald Trump's campaign and his administration, but returned to Breitbart after the president fired him.
The populist Conservative took a lot of heat because of his comments in a new, unflattering book about President Trump and the first family. Bannon described a 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer as "treasonous and unpatriotic.

President Trump fired back, tweeting Bannon lost his mind. Bannon tried to smooth things over on the Breitbart News Tonight on Sirius-XM. "The President of the United States is a great man. You know I support him day in and day out." Bannon later clarifying that his criticism was directed at then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and not at Trump Jr.
Steve Rappoport, FOX News.