

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网 Literature Spot 3
[00:-2.00]Read and listen to the story.Are these sentences true(T)or false(F)
[00:-3.00]My name is Captain Walton.
[00:-4.00]Wy ship was exploring the Arctic when we found a man on a piece of floating ice.
[00:-5.00]He was called Victor Frankenstein.
[00:-6.00]One night,he told me a strange tale.
[00:-7.00]"My dear captain.how shall I begin?I grew up near Geneva.
[00:-8.00]I was a happy child.
[00:-9.00]My parents had two other sons,Ernest and William,
[00:10.00]and they took in an orphan,Elizabeth.
[00:11.00]When I was seventeen,I went to the University of Ingolstadt.
[00:12.00]A professor there inspred me to study chemistry.
[00:13.00]This changed my life as I became obsessed with the search for the secrer of life.
[00:14.00]I worked day and night for two years and,finally,I found the secret.
[00:15.00]To test my discovery,I decided to create a new life in the laboratory.
[00:16.00]I collected parts of bodies and,after two years,
[00:17.00]I was ready to bring my creature to life.
[00:18.00]But when I saw the monster I had created,I felt horror and disgust.
[00:19.00]How can I describe the monster?
[00:20.00]You could see the muscles under his thin,yellow skin.
[00:21.00]His hair was long and black,
[00:22.00]his teeth were pearly white,but his eyes were watery and his lips black.
[00:23.00]When my friend Henry Clerval arrived,I said nothing about the monster,
[00:24.00]which by now had left my house.
[00:25.00]Henry brought news of my family.
[00:26.00]They were well and had taken in a servant called Justine.
[00:27.00]Imagine my shock when a letter arrived from my father
[00:28.00]my young brother Willian had been murdered!
[00:29.00]I went to my parents'house.
[00:30.00]Just before I got there,I saw the monster running through the trees.
[00:31.00]I realised the monster I had created had killed my brother!
[00:32.00]When I got to the house,I was horrified to discover that Justine,
[00:33.00]who had been found near the scene of the crime,but could say nothing.
[00:34.00]I knew she was innocent,but could say nothing.
[00:35.00]She was hanged.
[00:36.00]Soon afterwards.While I was spending some time alone in the mountains,
[00:37.00]I met my evil creation again.
[00:38.00]The monster begged me to listen to his story.
[00:39.00]This is what he said:
[00:40.00]When I left your house,
[00:41.00]I came across a cottage and lived secretly in the barn watching an old,
[00:42.00]blind man and his children.
[00:43.00]I learned how to speak and I realised how miserable I was.
[00:44.00]I had no family,no memories,no childhood.
[00:45.00]One day,I decided to speak to the old man.
[00:46.00]He was kind and couldn't see my ugly body.
[00:47.00]But as soon as his children returned,
[00:48.00]they screamed and hit me with sticks.
[00:49.00]I ran away.
[00:50.00]On one occasion,I saved a girl from drowning in a river,
[00:51.00]but when her frined saw me he fired a gun at me.
[00:52.00]This was the reward of kindness.
[00:53.00]I promised eternal hatred and revenge on mankind.
[00:54.00]My first victim was your young brother.
[00:55.00]But now I want nothing more than a companion.
[00:56.00]I want you to make me a female companion
[00:57.00]and we will live together far away from all humans,I promise.'
[00:58.00]I agreed to his demand,though the idea was terrible to me.
[00:59.00]When I returned home,my father mentioned his wish for me to marry Elizabeth.
[-1:00.00]whom I loved dearly.
[-1:-1.00]But before the marriage,I needed to go to England to complete my work.
[-1:-2.00]Henry came with me to England and,eventually.
[-1:-3.00]I completed my second creation.
[-1:-4.00]As I was bringing her to life,
[-1:-5.00]I began to have serious doubts about what I was doing.
[-1:-6.00]But,suddenly,MY MONSTER ARRIVED.
[-1:-7.00]He said,"You are my creator,but I am your master!"
[-1:-8.00]In my confusion,I broke her body into pieces.
[-1:-9.00]The monster left,saying,'I will be with you on your wedding night!"
[-1:10.00]The next day the police arrested me.
[-1:11.00]I was accused of the murder of a young man.