


[-1:-7.00]A Saying the sounds and
[-1:-8.00]1 ear                air                  hear                 hair
[-1:-9.00]cheers               chairs               beer                 bear
[-1:10.00]pier                 pear                 clear                clare
[-1:11.00]dear                 dare                 tear(n)              tear(v.)
[-1:12.00]steered              stared
[-1:13.00]2 here               year                 idea                 appear
[-1:14.00]easier               nearly               Austria              engineer
[-1:15.00]3 care               square               wear                 where
[-1:16.00]there                scarce               stairs
[-1:17.00]4 a dear             chair                a bearded            engineer
[-1:18.00]5 He has very scarce hair.She can't bear the taste of beer.
[-1:19.00]Clare's here and Lear's over there.
[-1:21.00]A Reading     page 92    Helping the Environment
[-1:22.00]These days we are all aware of the many threats to the environment
[-1:23.00]and the need to act in a responsible manner
[-1:24.00]to protect the world which we all share.
[-1:25.00]Many people say that they are in favour of the 'green' movement.
[-1:26.00]However,it is often difficult to find anything practicalwhich you can do to help.
[-1:27.00]If you live in a big city,
[-1:28.00]you may feel that you cannot take any action to support the cause.
[-1:29.00]But one thing you can do is to try to buy'green' products.
[-1:30.00]For example,let us consider the problem of the ozone layer.
[-1:31.00]Around the earth,there is a thin layer of ozone.
[-1:32.00]This gas protects us from many of the harmful rays of the sun.
[-1:33.00]A few years ago,scientists in the Antarctic first became aware of holes in the ozone layer.
[-1:34.00]If these holes continue to get bigger,
[-1:35.00]more and more harmful rays from the sun will reach us.
[-1:36.00]As a result,more people are likely to get skin cancer.
[-1:37.00]Further research into the problem showed that the ozone layer is being destroyed by gases called CFCs.