


[05:58.09]If something is deficient,it means that it isn't functioning probably.
[06:04.56]It isn't working in the way it should.
[06:08.51]So Acquired Immune Deficiency
[06:13.19]means that even though we were born with a good immune system
[06:18.64] we have now got the disease that breaks down the immune system.
[06:24.71]A:Wow,that's terrible.
[06:28.36]So what happens when someone's immune system doesn't work?
[06:34.24]B:Well,to put it simply,he or she gets sick lot.
[06:39.57]The last word in AIDS 'Syndrome',
[06:44.01]means all the bad things that happen to your body,
[06:48.76]when the immune system doesn't work.
[06:53.13]Part Two  People who die of AIDS actually don't 'die' of AIDS.
[06:59.79]When a person infected with HIV develops AID.
[07:05.25] She or she easily gets sick.
[07:09.40]A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system.
[07:14.44]Many common diseases can be cured in patients whose immune system functions well.
[07:21.60]But when they enter the body of a person with AIDS,they can kill him or her.
[07:28.08]Many AIDS patients die of infections or serious colds.
[07:34.03]But there are also many diseases that we have never heard of.
[07:39.36]If your immune system is working,they may not be able to any harm.
[07:46.13]But because the immune system has been weakened the disease can't be cured.
[07:52.48]They will grow stronger and stronger
[07:56.34]until one day they kill the patient with AIDS.
[08:01.49]Therefore,much of the treatments AIDS patients receives
[08:07.26] is means to help the body defend itself against diseases.