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20 A Weighty Problem p 123


Eve and Adam are talking.
E: Do you know I've put on 5 kilos since going out with you?
A: Why's that?
E: You're always taking me to fancy restaurants.
A: Well, you don't have to eat so much when we eat out, you know.
E: But I can't resist all the delicious food.
A: Besides, it's not cheap.
E: I guess you're right. Maybe I should start cooking again. (Adam turns pale.)
A: Uh… Let's just forget about your weight problem, OK? I don't care how fat you are.
E: really?

I wish you happy landinds.  一路平安
a bad cook 厨师    不应为cooker    饭店厨师应为 chef
a weight problem
pun   n.vi.vt.双关语
If you drink too much beer, you'll put on a lot of weight.
The word "kilo" is short for the kilogram.
date = go on a date = go out with
fancy restaurant  豪华饭馆
eat out  下馆子
Betty can't resist my ch.mp3.
I don't understand it, my dog won't eat my delious cooking.
inviting 诱人的
stingy   miser
fat chance  门都没有
pale 脸色苍白        gray(美) grey(英) 头发白了
I couldn't care less. 不在乎     I don't care for that.