您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语听力 > 赖世雄英语 > 赖世雄中级美国英语 正文 131 Lost and Found p.402 2007-03-21来源: In recent years, going abroad for a holiday has almost become a national pastime. Traveling is indeed fun. But those of you traveling for the first time beware! What should you do if you lose your luggage?Don't panic. Just go straight to the airline you're traveling with. They'll direct you to the Lost and Found department. In most cases, they'll find your luggage. But you must not forget one thing when you're at the check-in counter. Make sure you get a baggage check stub. Without it, the airline will have great difficulty helping you. Worried about what to say at the Lost and Found? Well, tune in tomorrow and listen to someone who has just lost his luggage. section = departmenthobeycomedy -- funny moviebeware of dogs 永远用在命令句中carry-on luggagein most cases/situations/occasions(water) basin 洗脸盆check-in 登记 check-in counter 不说:check-out counterstub 存根airline 航空公司 one airline, two airlines 不说: airline companyturn in 收听 本栏目更多同类内容 上一篇 130 An Inch Given,a Mile Taken p.398 下一篇 132 What's in the Bag? p.412 相关文章 122 Candy Helps? 116 I Prefer My Own Brand p.303 113 Heavy and Chubby p.281 86. Me and My Big Mouth p. 85 76. Live and Let Live p.12 32. Goldfish, Souls and Coffee Table p.208 25. Restaurant Dos and Don'ts P156 4. He Who Hesitates Is Lost p.21