


Richard:It's 6:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Why are you banging those pots and pans?

Elizabeth:I have an audition coming up and I'm rehearsing.

Richard:By banging pots and pans?

Elizabeth:I'm up for a part as a 1950s housewife.

I need to learn my lines and be prepared to improvise.

That's why I'm cooking you a 10-course breakfast.

I want to practice staying in character.

Richard:I don't really want a 10-course breakfast, but if it helps you with your audition...

Elizabeth:It will. I have to stretch my acting chops and really get into the head of the character.

Richard:Right. Whatever you say.

Elizabeth:“Yes, dear. Your breakfast will be ready and waiting when you want it.”

Did I project enough? Did I emote enough?

Richard:You were great. What kind of acting job is this?

Elizabeth:It's a small one.


Richard:In a film?


Richard:In a TV show?

Elizabeth:Not exactly.

Richard:What is it?

Elizabeth:It's a commercial.

It's only a bit part, but you know what they say:

There are no small parts, only small actors!