


There's nothing I enjoy more than spending a couple of hours relaxing at a cafe.

I sit drinking my tea and reading. What could be better?

Woman:So I think I may have to see a doctor soon.

You know I've had these terrible pains in my stomach.


My digestion is terrible and now I think I might have an ulcer!

Well, I was having a relaxing time until I started overhearing the woman at the next table talking loudly on her cell phone.

Woman:No, I don't think it could be lactose intolerance.

My bowels are working fine.

I don't have the runs or feel constipated.

I just get a really upset stomach and these terrible pains.

This was definitely not a conversation I wanted to listen to.

I looked around for another table, somewhere I could escape to.

Woman:Yes, I do feel some heartburn and bloating.

Do you really think it could be acid reflux?

I do have a problem with too much gas and burping a lot.

Will an antacid help, do you think?

By this time, I was in panic mode.

If I didn't get away from this woman soon, I'd surely be sick to my stomach!