
地道美语听力练习:单身问题烦恼多 学会享受生活是关键


Iris:I'm thinking of inviting Simone and Jerry over for dinner.

Alex:This isn't another attempt at matchmaking, is it?

Jerry is a confirmed bachelor and he's not looking to marry or become involved in a relationship.

Iris:He's not a confirmed bachelor.

地道美语听力练习:单身问题烦恼多 学会享受生活是关键

In this neighborhood with so many single women, he's an eligible bachelor.

Alex:You mean in this neighborhood full of old spinsters!

Stop trying to set him up with one of them.

Iris:How do you know he doesn't want a relationship?

Maybe he's just shy and needs a little prodding.

Maybe he has a fear of commitment and we can all help him overcome it.

Alex:Maybe he just wants to be left alone by meddling neighbors and ladies on the prowl.

There are many benefits to remaining a bachelor.

Iris:You mean living a celibate and empty life?

Alex:You're making too many assumptions.

You don't know the first thing about his life and whether he's happy or not.

In many ways, a bachelor's life is idyllic.

Iris:How can you say that?

Alex:Would any bachelor have to have this conversation with anyone, ever?