


Jerrise:Okay, you were right.

We need to do something to improve business.

Do you think we should take out an ad in the local newspaper?

Russell:We could do that, but I think a better strategy is to improve our online reviews.

Jerrise:Who looks at websites with unsolicited reviews?

I'm not convinced that'll help us.

Russell:Lots of people look at reviews when choosing which business to patronize.

Right now, we only have three stars out of five, and that's hurting us.

Jerrise:It's hard to believe that adding a star will really improve our business.

Russell:Believe it. And those mediocre reviews we received last week?

We should respond to each one and try to make it right.

Jerrise:Those reviews were written by a few disgruntled customers.

We're always going to have a few whiners.

Russell:Yes, but now they're much more vocal.

If they're not happy with our service or product, we need to compensate them for their bad experience.

Jerrise:That would put us out of business!

Russell:No, that's an investment in our business reputation.

Jerrise:What you're saying is that we need to bribe people to write good reviews.

Russell:I wouldn't put it that way,but we should recognize that crowdsourcing is the wave of the future and we need to move with the times if our business is to survive.

Jerrise:All right. I guess we can try that.

Russell:What are you doing now?

Jerrise:Writing my own review. I've always given myself excellent service!