


Every day I feel more and more overwhelmed by email.

Once I turn on my computer and look at my inbox, I get sucked into reading and responding to emails.

I have a personal email account and an email account for work.

With my work email, I try to take an organized approach.

I scan each email looking at the sender and subject line, and delete the ones I don't need or want.


With the remaining ones, I archive some, file others for future reading, and write replies to the rest.

I've set up templates for the routine emails,but spend a lot of time drafting personalized responses to the rest.

That takes up a large part of my workday.

When reading my personal email, I take my time.

Yes, I get the usual junk that slips through the spam filters and get newsletters I keep meaning to unsubscribe from,

but people who have my personal email address are mainly friends and family.

When I'm done and I look at the clock,

I'm often surprised at how much time I've spent processing email.

That's time I could have been spending working on my Celine Dion impression.

“Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on...”