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It was 47 years ago when the last astronauts left the lunar surface. Since then humans haven't ventured beyond the earth orbiting space station. But with the discovery of ice and water the moon is suddenly hot again. This is blue moon. Billionaire Jeff Bezos unveiling the spaceship he hopes will land astronauts on the moon. Elon Musk's spacex also working on a moon mission. While NASA itself powers ahead with Project Artemis, Americans back on the moon in just five years, build a lunar base and one day head to Mars. Former space shuttle commander Eileen Collins. No human has walked on Mars. To me that's inspirational. Who was gonna be the first person on Mars? Will it be an American 

But a manned mission to Mars is likely 20 years or more away. The future now isn't just about NASA. It's now about other countries and commercial space business. China wants to put its own people on the moon. Meanwhile Spacex and Boeing will soon fly astronauts to the space station taking over from Russia. It's a very sensitive joystick. It is. Boeing chief astronaut Chris Ferguson showing me the starliner. Looks a little like a fighter cockpit, which is why I really like it. Tonight fifty years after apollo 11. It's time to go back to the moon. This time to stay. The world again has its eyes on the stars.