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Tonight as this memorial grows the state of Minnesota has launched a sweeping civil rights investigation of the Minneapolis Police Department for the first time in its history. Today as a step towards that deconstruction of systemic racism. But there's mounting frustration here that three of the fired officers at the scene of George Floyd's death had not yet been criminally charged. Donald Williams is still haunted by that night. since he walked up while Floyd was already on the ground. At the time George was on the floor, asking for his life, asking for forgiveness, calling for his mom. Saying he can't breathe, could you believe what you were seeing? 

No, it was like in a twilight zone, it was like something that was unreal. Former officer Derrick Shelvin has been charged with third degree murder and second degree manslaughter after kneeling on Floyd's neck for close to nine minutes. Should those other officers face charges? yeah they killed the human being. All of the officers have declined to comment publicly. The state's attorney general is now leading the case and has declined to give any timeline. We expect the other officers to be arrested before George Floyd is laid to rest. Floyd leaves behind two children including six-year-old Gianna. He was a good all around good guy. her mother Roxy Washington Sands Floyd was very involved in their life in Houston. Gianna never gets to see her dad again. Never