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With just three days until president Trump's rally in Tulsa Oklahoma, Trump supporters already camping out. I'm not any more concerned about the coronavirus in the BOK than i am in Walmart. At the white house the president determined to move forward. When you come to the rally as if any event you assume a personal risk on that. It's just what you do. When you go to a baseball game you assume a risk. But cases in Oklahoma are surging. The state experiencing its highest single day increase Tuesday. State health officials had asked the campaign to postpone the event. 

But now that it's moving forward, they're urging masks and social distancing. We're concerned i mean people coming together without taking precautions is what causes the virus to transmit. Even the nation's top infectious disease expert said he would not attend a big rally right now. Dr. Anthony Fauci telling the Daily Beast overnight, i'm in a high risk category. Personally i would not, of course not. On the trail Joe Biden sharply critical today. Donald trump's failure to fight the coronavirus with the same energy and focus that he used to troll his enemies on twitter has cost us lives. The president looking to energize his base with a rally that's high risk and high stakes.