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BBC随身英语:Embarrassing parents 父母会让你难为情吗?


A survey by the site YoungPoll.com in 2010 suggested that one in three youngsters is so disconcerted by their parents they refuse to be seen with them in public; and seven in ten children are humiliated by their mum and dad's behavior, like kissing them in front of friends and holding their hands.

Part of going through adolescence is a sudden feeling that we are wise and self-sufficient and we are shown up when treated like vulnerable minors. But we are bound to lose this chip on our shoulder when we reach our 20s.

Gopnick reminds us of writer and visionary William Blake's comment: ''When I was 14 my dad was so ignorant I wouldn't even walk down the street with him. By the time I was 21 I was amazed how much he'd learnt.''

In any case, resentful parents might find solace in the thought that their grandchildren are likely to end up enjoying their company. Then the uncool ones will be the grandchildren's parents!

Quiz 测验 1. According to the article, what name, when mentioned in front of friends, makes people feel bad?

Their childhood nickname when mentioned by their parents in front of friends.

2. When do people start feeling embarrassed about their parents?

Adam Gopnik says that it happens at the age of 13.

3. According to the survey mentioned, what sort of parental acts make children feel humiliated?

When they kiss their children or hold their hands in front of the minor's friends.

4. True, false or not given: William Blake's father went back to school and had learned a lot by the time the writer was 21?

Not given. All we know is that when Blake was 21 he recognised his father's wisdom more.

5. What expression is used in the article to describe someone who is easily offended?

Someone who has a chip on his or her shoulder.


Glossary 词汇表 to blush脸红 to cringe感到难堪 a dad dancing routine(比喻)爸爸蹦迪时的舞蹈动作,令孩子感到特别尴尬 uncomfortable不舒服 ridiculous荒谬 annoying恼人的 disconcerted受窘的 humiliated感到羞耻 to be shown up感到难为情 a chip on (our) shoulder(比喻) 受了委屈,心中不愤,怨天尤人 resentful不满,抵触 uncool落伍,不时髦