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BBC随身英语:Couch-potatoes have short lives 久坐不动势必短命


So, rather than stressing the health benefits of a good workout, The Lancet researchers have decided to show the harm caused by inactivity. They estimate lack of exercise is responsible for about 5.3m deaths a year: about the same number as smoking.

Sitting around doing nothing can lead to coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and breast and bowel cancers.

The data might lack muscle as scientists have had to rely on questionnaires sent out to 122 countries in which people report their own levels of activity. It must also be difficult to separate the impact of obesity from the figures.

But Dr I-Min Lee, from Harvard Medical School, says they were very cautious: "Our estimates of ill-health from lack of physical activity are on the low side."

The researchers say the problem of inactivity has reached pandemic levels, with far-reaching health and social consequences. They call for a radical re-think in how to deal with the issue.

Quiz 测验 1. According to the article, what are most people doing while Olympic athletes compete?

Sitting inactive in front of the TV.

2. What's the objective of this research?

To encourage people to be more active every day.

3. Is this true, false or not given? The researchers interviewed people from 122 countries.

False. The researchers had to send questionnaires to these countries.

4. What phrase in the article suggests that the results of the research aren't strong?

The data might lack muscle.

5. What phrasal verb means 'to depend on something or someone'?

To rely on (something or someone).


Glossary 词汇表 to push (their bodies) to the limit把(身体)推到了极限 inactive不活跃的 a gym session一次健身课 a treadmill一台跑步机 fitness健身 physical activity体力活动,锻炼 a brisk walk快步行走 a pursuit一个追求 familiarity熟悉 moderate温和的 health benefit健康益处 a workout一次锻炼 coronary heart disease冠心病 muscle(肌肉)此处指可信度 to rely on依靠于 obesity肥胖症 ill-health不健康,身体不好