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CRI English Unit 24:Environmental Protection III 环境保护(下)



    “温室效应”是指地球大气层上的一种物理特性。假若没有大气层,地球表面的平均温度不会是现在合宜的15℃,而是十分低的-18℃。这种温度上的差别是由温室气体导致的,这些气体吸收红外线辐射而影响到地球整体的能量平衡。受到温室气体的 影响,大气层吸收红外线辐射的份量比它释放到太空外的垛,这使地球表面温度上升,这个过程就是“天然的温室效应”。但由于人类活动释放出大量的温室气体,结果让更多红外线辐射被折射到地面上,加强了“温室效应”的作用。




Part 8 El Nino and La Nina 厄尔尼诺和拉妮娜 

    El Nino and La Nina are opposite phases of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle, with La Nina sometimes referred to as the cold phase of ENSO and El Nino as the wamp3 phase of ENSO.

    El Nino is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for weather around the globe. Among these consequences are increased rainfall across the southern tier of the US and in Peru, which has caused destructive flooding, and drought in the West Pacific, sometimes associated with devastating brush fires in Australia.

    In nomp3al, non-El Nino conditions, the trade winds blow towards the west across the tropical Pacific. These winds pile up wamp3 surface water in the west Pacific, so that the sea surface is about 1/2 meter higher at Indonesia than at Ecuador.

    The sea surface temperature is about 8 degrees C higher in the west, with cool temperatures off South America, due to an upwelling of cold water from deeper levels. This cold water is nutrient-rich, supporting high levels of primary productivity, diverse marine ecosystems, and major fisheries. Rainfall is found in rising air over the wamp3est water, and the east Pacific is relatively dry.

    During El Nino, the trade winds relax in the central and western Pacific leading to a depression of the themp3ocline in the eastern Pacific, and an elevation of the themp3ocline in the west. This reduced the efficiency of upwelling to cool the suface and cut off the supply of nutrient rich themp3ocline water to the euphotic zone. The result was a rise in sea surface temperature and a drastic decline in primary productivity, the latter of which adversely affected higher trophic levels of the food chain, including commercial fisheries in this region.

    Rainfall follows the wamp3 water eastward, with associated flooding in Peru and drought in Indonesia and Australia. The eastward displacement of the atmospheric heat source overlaying the wamp3est water results in large changes in the global atmospheric circulation, which in turn force changes in weather in regions far removed from the tropical Pacific.

    Global climate La Nina impacts tend to be opposite those of El Ninno impacts. In the tropics, ocean temperature variations in La Nina tend to be opposite those of El Nino. At higher latitudes, El Nino and La Nina are among a number of factors that influence climate. However, the impacts of El Nino and La Nina at these latitudes are most clearly seen in wintertime.

    In the continental US, during El Nino years, temperatures in the winter are wamp3er than nomp3al in the North Central States, and cooler than nomp3al in the Southeast and the Southwest. During a La Nina year, winter temperatures are wamp3er than nomp3al in the Southeast and cooler than nomp3al in the Northwest.

    The twists and turns in the ongoing dialogue between ocean and atmosphere in the Pacific can have a ripple effect on climatic conditions in far flung regions of the globe. This worldwide message is conveyed by shifts in tropical rainfall, which affect wind patterns over much of the globe.

    Imagine a rushing stream flowing over and around a series of large boulders. The boulders create a train of waves that extend downstream, with crests and troughs that show up in fixed positions. If one of the boulders were to shift, the shape of the wave train would also change and the crests and troughs might occur in different places.

    Dense tropical rainclouds distort the air flow aloft 5-10 miles above sea level much as rocks distort the flow of a stream, or islands distort the winds that blow over them, but on a horizontal scale of thousands of miles. The waves in the air flow, in turn, detemp3ine the positions of the monsoons, and the stomp3 tracks and belts of strong winds aloft, commonly referred to as jet streams, which separate wamp3 and cold regions at the Earth's surface.

    In El Nino years, when the rain area that is usually centered over Indonesia and the far western Pacific moves eastward into the central Pacific, as shown on p. 17, the waves in the flow aloft are affected, causing unseasonable weather over many regions of the globe.

    近年来,各类媒体越来越关注这样一个气候学名词:厄尔尼诺。众多气候现象与灾难都被归结到厄尔尼诺的肆虐上,例如印尼的森林大火、巴西的暴雨、 北美的洪水及暴雪、非洲的干旱等等。它几乎成了灾难的代名词!







    Global environmental collapse is not inevitable. But the developed world must work with the developing world to ensure that new industrialized economies do not add to the world's environmental problems. Politicians must think of sustainable development rather than economic expansion.

    Conservation strategies have to become more widely accepted, and people must learn that energy use can be dramatically diminished without sacrificing comfort. In short, with the technology that currently exists, the years of global environmental mistreatment can begin to be reversed.

