


The second group consists of most other rich countries outside America. There, neither labour nor capital seems able to triumph. After correcting for pandemic-related distortions Japan’s pay growth appears to be slowing to below 1% a year, suggest data from Goldman Sachs, a bank.

第二类包括除美国之外的大多数富裕国家。在这些国家,劳动力和资本谁也赢不了谁。高盛银行(Goldman Sachs)的数据显示,修正了与疫情相关的失真后,日本的薪酬增长似乎正在放缓至每年1%以下。

Pay settlements in Italy and Spain are treading water, while wage growth in Australia, France and Germany remains well below where it was before the pandemic. Workers in these places are not really joining in with the inflationary party.


But businesses are not soaring either. In Europe pre-tax profit margins, as measured in the national accounts, have risen in recent months but remain below where they were just before the pandemic.


In Japan the “recurring” profits before tax of large and medium-sized companies recently returned to pre-pandemic levels. The profits of smaller companies remain well below, however.


In the third group sits America. Here wage growth is rapid, at about 5% a year. But as shown in their most recent financial results, big listed American companies are doing a better job of protecting margins than analysts had expected.


A series of unusually large stimulus payments may mean that households are able to absorb the higher prices that companies impose.


In early February Amazon said it would increase the price of its Prime membership package by 17% in its home market—even as it chose not to announce price rises in other parts of the world.


Some firms are increasing their margins despite soaring costs.


Tyson, an American meat producer, reported an 18% jump in the costs of its inputs in the most recent quarter compared with a year earlier, a 19.6% increase in its average selling prices, and a 40% rise in its adjusted operating profits. It says that rising meat prices have not slowed demand.


An economy-wide measure of corporate margins is rising fast. Dario Perkins of ts Lombard, a financial-services firm, breaks down America’s rise in unit prices since the start of the pandemic into companies’ labour costs, non-labour costs and profits.

衡量企业利率的经济指标正在迅速上升。金融服务公司ts Lombard的达里奥·帕金斯(Dario Perkins)分析了自疫情爆发以来美国单位价格的上涨,并将其拆分为企业的劳动力成本、非劳动力成本和利润。

Wages are rising, but nonetheless markups are responsible for more than 70% of inflation since late 2019, he finds. In a recent report, analysts at Bank of America argue that greater pricing power helps explain why American equities have a higher price-earnings ratio than European ones.


The story is not over yet. Some economists wonder if workers will before long demand even higher wages to compensate for higher prices in the shops. There is some evidence of this in America and Britain, where wage growth seems to be accelerating.


Businesses’ expectations for future wage settlements remain fairly conservative, though that could soon change. If wages do start to grow more quickly, the cycle of price rises and compensating wage demands might start up all over again. Before long the post-lockdown economy could look like the ultimate compromise—where nobody is satisfied.
