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This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Steve Mirsky.
Earlier today, April 14, former President Barack Obama posted a 12-minute address in which he endorsed J科学美国人60秒:红翅黑鹂能听懂黄莺的警报叫声
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science. I'm Jason Goldman.
Brown-headed cowbirds are obligate brood parasites. That means they lay their eggs in the nests of othe科学美国人60秒:服务员,寿司里为什么有虫子?
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Wayt Gibbs.
I'm a big fan of sushi and ceviche, so I was alarmed to see the headline on a recent news release from科学美国人60秒:独角鲸的长牙有何用?
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science. I'm Jason Goldman.
Deep beneath the frozen surface of the Arctic swims a sea unicorn. In reality, it's a whale with a科学美国人60秒:冠状病毒相关的错误信息会产生严重后果
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Steve Mirsky.
"You know, the other day we had a bright, sunny day as we do today in New York, after many days of gloom科学美国人60秒:猫能感染新冠病毒
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Wayt Gibbs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has a lot of people stuck at home with their cats—which raises some obvious questio科学美国人60秒:鱿鱼发光的皮肤图案可能是密码
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.
More than 1,500 feet below the surface of the ocean, it's darker than a moonless night. But even in科学美国人60秒:与霸王龙同一时代的鸟类化石
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Adam Levy.
Who's your favorite superhero? Captain Marvel? Superman? Well, in a minute, you might just change your科学美国人60秒:城市鸟类的极端生存策略
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.
As long as humans have been building cities, wildlife has been fleeing from them. After all, cities are科学美国人60秒:郊狼的饮食涵盖水果和家猫
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science. I'm Jason Goldman.
Coyotes can do really well in some cities. Los Angeles has always had coyotes, while the predators are科学美国人60秒:一种蠕虫状生物可能是我们最古老的祖先
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.
Half a billion years ago, there existed a wormlike creature the size of a grain of rice. And a new study科学美国人60秒:全球科学快讯
Hi, I'm Scientific American podcast editor Steve Mirsky. And here's a short piece from the March 2020 issue of the magazine, in the section called Advances: Dispatches from
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Bob Hirshon.
Getting a handle on how COVID-19 is spreading across the country is difficult, because current models are based科学美国人60秒:只有母亲会为患病吸血蝙蝠梳毛
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science. I'm Jason Goldman.
Epidemiologists have long known that socially connected individuals like friends, family and co-workers科学美国人60秒:用计算器计算新冠病毒的传播
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Steve Mirsky.
Here in New York the coronavirus cases are exploding—we're on the steep part of the curve. You'科学美国人60秒:黑尾袋鼠一生都在怀孕 可同时怀两胎
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.
Picture a small kangaroo. You're basically seeing something very much like the Australian marsupial科学美国人60秒:海洋塑料气味令海龟着迷
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Annie Sneed.
Plastic: It's all over the ocean. And for sea turtles, it's a killer. At least 1,000 die every ye科学美国人60秒:古代蛤蜊壳揭示7000万年前一天只有23.5小时
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Adam Levy.
Open up a clam, and you might see the making of a tasty snack. You probably wouldn't expect to find the科学美国人60秒:手枪虾在温暖水域更吵闹
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Annie Sneed.
(CLIP: Snapping shrimp sound)
Rice Krispies? Rain hitting a tin roof? Bacon frying? How about noisy crea科学美国人60秒:海底噪音压力妨碍螃蟹伪装
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.
Large oceangoing vessels like oil tankers and cruise ships produce noise that travels long distances und科学美国人60秒:热带森林存储人类历史
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.
If you watch nature documentaries, it's easy to come away wi科学美国人60秒:计算机证实贝多芬的影响力
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata.
Beethoven is a giant of classical music. And the most influential, too—at least, when it come科学美国人60秒:全球科学简讯
Hi, I'm Scientific American podcast editor Steve Mirsky. And here's a short piece from the February 2020 issue of the magazine, in the section called Advances: Dispatches f
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.
Airplanes account for about 3 percent of the climate-altering ca科学美国人60秒:纯种马近亲繁殖率增加
This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Eliene Augenbraun.
Every Thoroughbred horse alive today is descended from three stallions and a larger selecti
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