栏目广告位一 |
step by step 3000第三册
Step by Step 3000 第3册 Unit12:The future of the phone
F. The future of the phone.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-10
You're going to hear a report about the future of the phone, listen carefully, and then complete the following outline.
The mobile phone is set toStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit12:Housing Problems
E. Housing Problems.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-09
You're going to hear a conversation between husband and wife about hosing problems, listen carefully, complete the outline with the information you get frStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit12:Beware hackers(2)
So on that same issue then, are you often surprised when you go in and speak with the companies?
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-09
Are you surprised at how little some of them know about the dangers?
Quite horrifStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit12:Beware hackers(1)
D. Beware hackers.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-09
You're going to hear a conversation about how to keep your computers away from hackers, listen carefully and then answer the questions you here.
Let'sStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit12:Friends reunited(1)
C. Friends reunited.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-09
C1. You're going to hear a news report introducing a website called Friends Reunited. Listen carefully, decide whether the following statements are true oStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit12:Fox Hollow golf course
B. Fox Hollow golf course.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-09
Listen to a news report on an environmentally friendly golf course. As you listen, carefully study the words in the two columns and then complete the neStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit12:Revolutionary car
Step by Step 3000. Book Three.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-08
Unit 12. Review.
A. Revolutionary car.
The following news report is about a kind of revolutionary car. Supply the missing words while listening.Step by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Language Study and Appreciation
Part 4. Language Study and Language Appreciation.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-08
Listen to the following statements you have learned in the previous and present units. Pay special attention to the parts in boldStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:New Seven Wonders of the World
Part 3. New Seven Wonders of the World.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-08
Keywords. votes, New Seven Wonders.
Vocabulary. glitzy, break-dancing, tenor.
A. You're going to hear a report on selection of the NeStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Welcome to China(5)
B4. Now listen to the last part of the interview. Supply the missing information.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-08
First stuff, can I get your name?
Bill Vineberg. Vineberg? from British Columbia.
You're paStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Welcome to China(4)
B3. Now listen to the interview with the second tourist. Supply the missing information.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-08
Can I get your name?
Linda, What's your last name? Linux.
Linux, from TorontStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Welcome to China(3)
B2. Now listen to the interview with the first tourist, supply the missing information.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-07
Can I get your name first?
My name is Barbara.
What's your last name, Barbara?
OppenStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Welcome to China(2)
B. Keywords. Xi'an, tourist, the Terracotta Warriors.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-07
Vocabulary. backdrop, elixir, toil, prudent, footage, touristy, phenomenal.
B1. You're going to hear an interview wiStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Welcome to China(1)
Part 2. Welcome to China.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-07
A. Keywords. excessive visitors, Forbidden City, new system.
Vocabulary. ritual, superfluous, relic.
You're going to hear a short report on the PalStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Warming up(2)
B. Keywords. footpath, fresco, floor, stonework, tree.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-07
Vocabulary. trench, erode, Lake District, Sistine Chapel. Notre Dame, Alpine.
You're going to hear an extract from theStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Warming up(1)
Step by Step 3000. Book Three.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-07
Unit 11. A Fast Growing Economy: Tourism.
Part 1. Warming up.
A. Keywords. visitors, UK, coast.
Vocabulary. stag and hen party, pier.
You'reStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit10:Clean air(2)
B. You're going to hear a report about a small taxi business which is leading the movement away from gasoline-powered cars, listen carefully, as you listen, take notes for each
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-01Step by Step 3000 第3册 Unit10:Clean air cars(1)
Part 4. Clean air cars.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-01
Keywords. natural gas, taxicabs, fossil fuel.
Vocabulary. pollutant, carbon monoxide, fleet, entrepreneur, inaugural, dissipate, impact, combustible, fossStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit10:A motor city breakthrough
Part 3. A motor city breakthrough: the electric car.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-01
Keywords. electric car, zero tailpipe emissions, battery.
Vocabulary. sag, overpass, combustion, diesel fuel, tailpipe, ignitStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit10:Oil reserves and Parking places(2)
B. keywords. headache, parking laws, parking meters, car elevators, mass transit.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-01
Vocabulary. migraine, infraction, enlist, diabolical, carousel.
B1. You're going to hear anStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit10:Oil reserves and Parking places(1)
Part 2. Oil reserves and Parking places.
step by step 3000第三册2016-11-01
A. Keywords.Oil reserves, barrels, crude, oil field.
Vocabulary.crude, tar sands, strip mining, toxic, strip, contaminate, voracious, offStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit10:Warming up(2)
B. Keywords. traffic situation, accident, fire, burst water main, sewer-reconstruction, roadworks.
step by step 3000第三册2016-10-28
Vocabulary. tail-back, snarled up, congestion, water main, wellington, sewer.
BStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit10:Warming up(1)
Part 1. Warming up.
step by step 3000第三册2016-10-28
A. Keywords. express route, bus fare books, monthly passes, mass transit, carpooling.
Vocabulary. subsidize, incentive, carpool, occupant, Martin Marietta, RTStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit9:Southwest(2)
But stockholders care about substance as well as style.
step by step 3000第三册2016-10-28
And Southwest pays dividend by sticking to one strategy: Southwest Airlines has been so enormously successfully because itsStep by Step 3000 第3册 Unit9:Southwest(1)
Part 4. Southwest.
step by step 3000第三册2016-10-28
Keywords. low-cost, low-debt, personal, informal, crazy, low fares, corporate culture, spirit, personality.
Vocabulary. Charismatic, brash, dividend, unorthodo
栏目广告位二 |